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Optimized Posts For Social Media

Optimized Posts For Social Media gpt prompt mini thumbnail
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Do you need ideas for your business, for a subject on any social media ? well... THIS PORMPT IS MADE FOR YOU ! It generates table and will give you all sort of ideas on any subject or for any businesses on what to post on social media ! ✔️ SUGGESTED IMAGE/SCRPIT ✔️ IDEA OF POST DEPENDING ON THE SUBJECT OR BUSINESS You will be able to chose : the social media; the subject; even talking about your own business on socials. this Idea generator will save you more time than you could imagine ! TRY
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After purchasing, you will gain access to the prompt file which you can use with GPT or the app builder. You'll receive 20 free generation credits with this purchase. By purchasing this prompt, you agree to our terms of service.
Over 1 month ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
Token size
110 ($0.00020 / call)
Example input
i want ideas for some post on instagram for my business promptbase
Example output
Idea # Post Idea Suggested Image/Script 1 Introduce Promptbase and what it does for sellers and buyers of prompts. An image or graphic of Promptbase's logo and website. 2 Highlight the benefits of selling prompts on Promptbase. A list of benefits with accompanying graphics or images. 3 Share some success stories of sellers who have made money selling prompts on Promptbase. A testimonial from a successful seller. 4 Explain how to get started selling prompts on Promptbase. A step-by-step guide with accompanying graphics or images. 5 Show the variety of prompts available on Promptbase. An image or graphic showcasing different types of prompts available on the platform. 6 Share some tips for creating effective prompts to sell on Promptbase. A list of tips with accompanying graphics or images. 7 Offer a promotion or giveaway for new sellers who sign up for Promptbase. An image of the promotion or giveaway and a call-to-action to sign up. 8 Highlight the security measures in place for buyers and sellers on Promptbase. An image or graphic showcasing the security features of the platform. 9 Share some success stories of buyers who have used prompts purchased from Promptbase. A testimonial from a satisfied buyer. 10 Explain how to search and find prompts on Promptbase. A step-by-step guide with accompanying graphics or images. 11 Share some frequently asked questions and answers about Promptbase. A list of FAQs with accompanying graphics or images. 12
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