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Priest Chatbot

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Have a spiritual conversation with a pastor/priest. Be free to ask any question.
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Over 1 month ago

Prompt Details

Completion - GPT-3.5 (text-davinci-003)
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457 ($0.00910 / call)
Example input
Question: Why does God allow suffering?
Example output
God allows suffering in order to bring people closer to Him. We can see this in the story of Joseph in the Book of Genesis. Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers and sent to Egypt. Despite his suffering, Joseph remained faithful to God and was eventually rewarded for his faithfulness. In the end, Joseph said, “You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good” (Genesis 50:20, NKJV). This is an example of how God can use suffering to bring us closer to Him and to show us His goodness, mercy, and grace.  If you'd like to grow spiritually, I'd suggest reading books like C.S. Lewis' The Problem of Pain and Timothy Keller's Walking with God Through Pain and Suffering. Other great resources include sermons by pastors like John Piper and R.C. Sproul, as well as daily devotionals such as and Our Daily Bread. Finally, be sure to pray and spend time in God's Word - the Bible - to hear what He has to say to you.
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