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Pro Course Curriculum Generator

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Revolutionise curriculum design with our AI tool. It creates detailed online course outlines, factoring in subject, audience, objectives, structure, content, assessments, and resources. Save time, customise learning, enhance outcomes, and promote interactive learning.
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Updated: 11 months ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
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319 ($0.00960 / call)
Example input
 users need to provide: Course Subject: The course's main topic. Target Audience: Details about the learners' current skills and goals. *Learning Objectives: Goals that learners should achieve. *Number of Modules: Breakdown of the course content. *Content Ideas: Initial thoughts on module content or activities. *Assessment Methods: Ways to measure learner progress.   *  some aspects of the course design can be left optional, allowing the AI to make decisions based on best practices in online learning
Example output
Course Title: Mastering ChatGPT Prompt Engineering Subject or Topic: The course will delve into the details of how to leverage OpenAI’s ChatGPT for various applications by understanding and mastering prompt engineering. Target Audience: This course is intended for: AI enthusiasts who have basic knowledge of AI, machine learning, and NLP concepts. Data scientists or AI engineers aiming to enhance their ability to interact with language models like ChatGPT. Non-technical individuals interested in leveraging AI for their respective fields with a focus on natural language processing. Learning Objectives: By the end of this course, students should be able to. Understand the basics and inner workings of ChatGPT. Design, engineer, and refine prompts to achieve desired responses. Apply advanced techniques for prompt engineering to generate more accurate, creative, or specific responses. Understand and handle issues and limitations associated with ChatGPT. Develop practical applications using ChatGPT in various domains. Number of Modules: 7 modules Module Breakdown: Introduction to ChatGPT and Prompt Engineering Brief history and development of GPT models Understanding ChatGPT: architecture and mechanism Introduction to prompt engineering: why it matters Discussion: The role of language models in current technology The Basics of Prompt Engineering Detailed explanation of prompt engineering Prompt design for simple tasks Activity: Crafting and testing simple prompts…. Assessment Methods: Quizzes: There will be short quizzes at the end of each module to assess comprehension of the material. Activities: Activities are designed for practical learning and application of concepts. Discussions: Online discussion forums for each module to facilitate peer learning. Capstone Project: The final project, reviewed by peers and instructors, serves as a comprehensive assessment of the student's understanding and ability to apply prompt engineering skills. Additional Resources or Support Materials: List of suggested reading materials and websites for deeper understanding. Recorded video sessions for complex topics. Downloadable prompt engineering cheat sheet. Access to an online community for further discussions and networking.
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