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Pro Song Or Poem Writer

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Unleash Your Inner Bard! Engage in creative expression with a tailored prompt. Choose to craft a song or poem with specified tone, style, keywords, and optional elements. Enhance professional communication, fostering creativity and expression.
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1 month ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
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144 ($0.00072 / call)
Example input
[Topic/Scenario]: Longing for a Lost Love
Example output
Title: Echoes of the Heart Topic: Longing for a Lost Love Tone: Melancholic, Hopeful Style: Ballad Keywords: Echoes, Solitude, Memories, Yearning Rhyme Scheme: ABABCC Point of View: First Person Verse 1: In the silence of the night, I hear echoes of the past, Whispers of your laughter, memories that will last. Solitude wraps around me, like a cloak of velvet blue, I'm lost in the labyrinth of time, searching for a clue. Chorus: Oh, the echoes of the heart, they never truly fade, In the corners of my mind, your memory is engraved. Though you're gone, your presence lingers, tearing me apart, I'll keep listening to the echoes, of this longing in my heart. Verse 2: Everywhere I turn, I see shadows of your grace, Traces of your essence, in every empty space. The moonlight weaves a tapestry, of dreams we used to share, But now I'm left alone, drowning in despair. Chorus: Oh, the echoes of the heart, they never truly fade, In the corners of my mind, your memory is engraved. Though you're gone, your presence lingers, tearing me apart, I'll keep listening to the echoes, of this longing in my heart. Bridge: Through the tears and the pain, I'll keep holding on, To the love that once bloomed, beneath the same sun. Though distance may divide us, and time may keep us apart, I'll forever cherish the echoes, of the love within my heart. Chorus: Oh, the echoes of the heart, they never truly fade, In the corners of my mind, your memory is engraved. Though you're gone, your presence lingers, tearing me apart, I'll keep listening to the echoes, of this longing in my heart. Outro: In the silence of the night, I'll keep listening for your voice, Hoping that someday, we'll once again rejoice. Until then, I'll hold onto the echoes, and never let them depart, For they remind me of the love, that still echoes in my heart.
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