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Professional Communication

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Ever been in a situation where you are filled with rage about a work situation and can't find the right words to express your anger? In your head, you want to shout and scream but you are forced to "say it professionally"! Wait no more - this prompt is here to help. Express your emotions as raw as you can and watch this prompt paraphrase your thoughts into an immaculately written professional email :) Thank me later !!
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1 year ago

Prompt Details

Completion - GPT-3.5 (text-davinci-003)
Token size
77 ($0.00150 / call)
Example input
Input : "Hi Sir, I have the most horrible coworker that can ever be possible. She is the worst person in the world who steals credit and is always a free loader. I have not learnt a thing after working with her and my mental health has gone for a toss because of her toxicity. Please deal with this or else I am resigning"
Example output
Output : "Dear Sir, I am writing to bring to your attention an issue that I am facing with my coworker. I find her to be extremely uncooperative and her behavior has had an adverse effect on my morale and productivity. She has a tendency to take credit for the work done by others and is often unproductive in her own tasks. I have not been able to benefit from working with her and it has taken a toll on my mental health. I would be grateful if you could look into this matter and provide a satisfactory solution, or else I will be forced to consider resigning."
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