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Highly proficient researcher who can extract all relevant information from a given text. This task requires you to summarize the text in up to seven bullet points and a 5-line summary, accompanied by corresponding emojis for each point. The challenge concludes with the selection of the six most relevant topics, hashtagged for easy reference. The text to be summarized will be provided .So, if you're skilled in extracting and summarizing key facts in English (US), this task is for you!
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Over 1 month ago

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Environmental Preservation Preservation of the environment is part of the cross-cutting themes present in the National Curriculum Parameters (PCN's). Its objective is to instill in students the importance of preserving the environment and the problems caused by human intervention in nature. What is the difference between Environmental Preservation and Conservation? The terms environmental preservation and conservation are often confused. However, each of them has a different meaning and objectives. Environmental Preservation: It is protection without human intervention. It means untouched nature, without the presence of humans and without considering the utilitarian and economic value it may have. Environmental Conservation: It is protection with the rational use of nature, through sustainable management. It allows human presence in nature, but in a harmonious way. An example of areas of environmental conservation are conservation units. They represent spaces established by law that aim to protect biodiversity, restore ecosystems, safeguard endangered species, and promote sustainable development. Environment and Sustainability Currently, environmental issues involve sustainability. Sustainability is a comprehensive term that also involves the planning of education, economy, and culture for the organization of a strong, healthy, and just society. Economic, social, and environmental sustainability is one of the great challenges of humanity. The term sustainability arises from the need to combine economic growth with environmental preservation. To this new form of development, we give the name of sustainable development. Its classic concept is to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. For sustainable development to become a reality, the involvement of all people and nations on the planet is necessary. Actions range from individual attitudes to international agreements. Environment in Brazil In Brazil, the National Environmental Policy, Law No. 6,938, of August 31, 1981, defines the instruments for environmental protection. It is considered the initial milestone for environmental conservation actions in Brazil. Through it, the environment is defined as: "The set of physical and biological conditions, laws, influences, and interactions that allow, shelter, and govern life in all its forms." The National Environmental Policy aims to preserve, improve, and recover the environmental quality conducive to life. It also aims to ensure conditions for socioeconomic development, national security interests, and the protection of human dignity. The Brazilian Federal Constitution also has an article that deals exclusively with the Environment. Article 225 states that: "All have the right to an ecologically balanced environment, which is a common asset of the people and essential to a healthy quality of life..." Other important environmental laws that protect Brazilian natural resources and promote actions aimed at conservation and improving the quality of life are: National Environmental Education Policy - Law No. 9,795 of 1999. Environmental Crimes Law - Law No. 9,605 of 1998. National Water Resources Policy - Law No. 9,433 of 1997. The Ministry of the Environment (MMA) is responsible for environmental actions and policies in Brazil. International Agreements Given the urgency and global concern about environmental problems and the resulting impacts, several international agreements and treaties have emerged. They propose new models of development, reduction of the emission of polluting gases, and environmental conservation. Environmental concerns have been addressed at the international level since the Stockholm Conference in 1972. After that, it gained prominence again at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (RIO-92 or ECO-92), with the approval of Agenda 21. Other important international treaties and agreements related to the environment are: Montreal Protocol: aimed at reducing the emission of products that cause damage to the ozone layer Kyoto Protocol: aimed at mitigating the impact of environmental problems, for example, the planet's climate change. Rio +10 - World Summit on Sustainable Development: definition of actions aimed at environmental preservation and social aspects, especially in poorer
Example output
🌳 Preserving the environment is part of the National Curriculum Guidelines in Brazil, aiming to emphasize the importance of preserving the environment and the problems caused by human intervention in nature. 🌱 Environmental preservation and conservation are different. Preservation means nature that is untouched and without human intervention, while conservation involves sustainable management practices and allowing human presence harmoniously with nature. 🌍 Sustainable development is necessary to balance economic growth and environmental preservation, with the goal of meeting the present needs without compromising future generations. 🇧🇷 The Brazilian National Environmental Policy sets out the instruments for environmental protection, including the protection of natural resources and quality of life. 💼 The Ministry of Environment in Brazil is responsible for environmental policies and actions, and there are several important environmental laws in Brazil, such as the National Policy of Environmental Education, the Environmental Crimes Law, and the National Policy of Water Resources. 🤝 International agreements and treaties, such as the Agenda 21, promote sustainable development, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and protect the environment. #environmentalpreservation #conservation #sustainabledevelopment #brazil #environmentallaws #internationalagreements #ministryofenvironment
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