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Prompt Optimized To Create SEO Articles

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Boost your content with our exclusive SEO prompts and turn your content into a digital masterpiece! 🚀 Thanks to these powerful tools, creating captivating, perfectly referenced articles becomes child's play. Unleash your creativity, attract qualified traffic and climb the rankings fast! 💡✍️ Turn your ideas into instant online successes. Discover the magic of words to propel your digital presence! #SEO #QualityContent"
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6 months ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
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903 ($0.00090 / call)
Example input
VARS : *[TYPE-OF-JOURNAL] = Online newspaper ; *[TYPE-OF-ARTICLE] = News ; *[TONE] = informative ; *[MAIN-KEYWORD] = "Profitable Blog" ; [KEYWORDS-ARTICLE] = " blog ", "IA " [ARTICLE-TITLE-H1] = How to create an automated blog in 2024 LANGUAGE-ARTICLE = ; *N-WORD = 4000 ; *COMPLEXITX-LVL = 80
Example output
<h1>How to create a highly profitable automated blog in 2024</h1> <h2>Introduction to automated blogs - tomorrow's trend</h2> Automated blogs, also known as AI blogs, are becoming increasingly popular with bloggers and represent tomorrow's trend. They make it quick and easy to generate high-quality content without any effort. This saves valuable time and significantly improves blog profitability. Let's take a closer look at how to create a highly profitable automated blog in 2024. <h3>The advantages of an automated blog</h3> An automated blog has many advantages over a traditional blog: Fast, low-cost generation of quality content Considerable time savings Improved natural referencing thanks to regular publication Increased traffic and advertising revenue Focus on strategy rather than copywriting Scale up easily by generating more content <h2>Choosing the best blogging platform</h2> The first step in creating your automated blog is to choose the most suitable blogging platform. Without a doubt, WordPress is the ideal choice thanks to its popularity, flexibility and numerous built-in SEO features. Once WordPress has been installed, we recommend purchasing a quality domain name and optimized web hosting. <h3>Installing artificial intelligence plugins </h3> More and more WordPress plugins are now leveraging artificial intelligence to automate content creation. Here are the most popular WordPress AI plugins in 2023: Jarvis AI: powerful, feature-rich plugin Blog AI: specialized in the creation of blog posts WP Robot: automatic generation of articles and images Article Forge: entirely focused on blog posts Once you've selected the AI plugin, simply install it on your WordPress site and configure it in just a few clicks. <h2>Training artificial intelligence</h2> Before generating quality automatic content, it's vital to train the AI properly. This stage involves providing numerous sample articles so that the robot learns the writing style, tone and keywords to use. The more thorough the training phase, the better the results. <h3>Some tips for successful training </h3> Submit at least 20 articles of 1500 words on the blog theme Vary sentence structures Use targeted keywords naturally Provide examples of the desired tone Add new examples regularly <h2>Use AI to generate viral content</h2> Once the AI has been properly trained, it's time to harness it to produce content automatically. And not just any content: quality content with high viral potential on social networks. Here are just a few types of content that can be easily generated by AI and are particularly viral: Lists and rankings (e.g. 10 tips for..., 15 tips...) Test articles and quizzes Humorous articles Video tutorials Infographics By finely optimizing the generation parameters, it's possible to produce articles and other content that naturally buzz on the web. <h3>Reviewing and fine-tuning generated content</h3> Although high quality, it's essential to proofread AI-generated content before publication to correct any imperfections. This fine-tuning stage guarantees 100% unique and optimized articles. With the right tools and a sharpened strategy, creating a highly profitable automated blog is within everyone's reach in 2024, thanks to the lightning progress of AI. The possibilities are endless for tomorrow's blogs!
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