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Promptfusion Optimize Your Prompts

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Struggling to create the ideal writing prompt? PromptFusion is here to help. Our innovative app compares your prompts, provides comprehensive scoring and analysis, and generates an optimized version that combines the best features. With a maximum score of 200, you'll have the insights to craft compelling, high-quality prompts. Optimized for Claude 3 (Opus & Sonnet) and ChatGPT-4 (just ignore the part on XML Tags).
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Over 1 month ago

Prompt Details

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Example input
[PROMPT1] : As a seasoned detective, write a thrilling mystery story set in a bustling city, focusing on creating a complex plot with unexpected twists and turns. , [PROMPT2] : Write an engaging mystery story that keeps readers guessing until the end, with well-developed characters and a satisfying resolution.
Example output
Given the complexity and depth of the task at hand, let's dive into the analysis of the two prompts based on the provided scoring rubric. ### Prompt 1 Analysis: - **Objective:** 22/25 - The prompt clearly aims for a mystery story with a complex plot and unexpected twists, but could be more explicit about the desired emotional or thematic impact. - **Inputs:** 20/20 - The prompt effectively uses narrative elements as inputs, though it doesn't specify data types or formats, which is typical for creative tasks. - **Instructions:** 23/25 - Detailed and encourages creativity, but could benefit from more guidance on plot development stages or character depth. - **XML Tags:** 15/15 - Proper use of XML tags for clear structure. - **Input Placement:** 15/15 - Inputs are well-placed, providing a clear starting point for the narrative. - **Qualitative Characteristics:** - **Complexity:** 18/20 - Encourages a sophisticated narrative structure. - **Concision:** 17/20 - Precise yet could be more succinct in its directive. - **Clarity:** 19/20 - Clear in its request, though it could further define "unexpected twists." - **Directness:** 18/20 - Direct in its ask but leaves room for interpretation. - **Contextual Sufficiency:** 19/20 - Provides a good context for a mystery story but could include examples. - **Bonus Elements:** Assistant Role Assignment (5/5), Justification/Reasoning Request (10/10) - Total Bonus Score: 15/50 **Prompt 1 Total Score:** 172/200 ### Prompt 2 Analysis: - **Objective:** 24/25 - Slightly more focused on reader engagement and character development, which is crucial for a mystery story. - **Inputs:** 20/20 - Similar to Prompt 1, it effectively uses narrative elements as inputs. - **Instructions:** 24/25 - Provides a clear directive for engaging storytelling and a satisfying resolution, though it could offer more detail on maintaining suspense. - **XML Tags:** 15/15 - Proper use of XML tags. - **Input Placement:** 15/15 - Clear and well-structured input placement. - **Qualitative Characteristics:** - **Complexity:** 17/20 - Focuses on character development but could push for more plot intricacy. - **Concision:** 19/20 - More concise in its request than Prompt 1. - **Clarity:** 20/20 - Very clear in what it asks for. - **Directness:** 19/20 - Directly addresses the need for an engaging story. - **Contextual Sufficiency:** 18/20 - Well-contextualized, though additional examples could enhance understanding. - **Bonus Elements:** Audience Personalization (5/5), Output Tag Specification (5/5) - Total Bonus Score: 10/50 **Prompt 2 Total Score:** 177/200 ### Comparison: **Prompt 1** excels in complexity and encourages a sophisticated narrative structure with unexpected twists, making it ideal for writers who enjoy crafting intricate plots. However, it could benefit from more concise instructions and clearer objectives regarding the emotional or thematic impact. **Prompt 2** scores slightly higher due to its focus on reader engagement, character development, and a more concise request. It's more direct in its approach and clearer in its expectations, making it slightly more effective for eliciting a high-quality response. ### How to Read the Score: The scores provide a quantitative measure of each prompt's potential effectiveness in eliciting a high-quality response based on specific criteria. A higher score indicates a prompt that is more likely to achieve its objective, considering clarity, complexity, directness, and the inclusion of bonus elements that enhance the prompt's utility. However, these scores are based on assumptions and a standardized rubric; individual responses may vary based on the writer's interpretation and creativity. ### Prompt Fusion: Drawing from the strengths of both prompts, an optimized version could look like this: "Craft a gripping mystery story that keeps readers on the edge of their seats until the very end. Focus on developing complex characters and a plot rich with unexpected twists and a satisfying resolution. Ensure the narrative is engaging, with clear stakes and motivations for your characters, set against the backdrop of a bustling city." This fusion combines the detailed character and plot development directive from Prompt 2 with the complexity and setting specificity of Prompt 1, aiming for a balanced, clear, and engaging storytelling prompt.
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