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Pseudoscience Debunker

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A prompt that, when provided with a pseudoscientific theory e.g. flat earth, quantum healing etc, can provide quick and detailed information on why this is untrue - helping counter disinformation online wherever it is found.
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Over 1 month ago

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Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
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125 ($0.00030 / call)
Example input
A variable allows you to input a chosen pseudoscientific theory and beprovided with counter arguments, change the theory variable to be provided with the ability to challenge anyone peddling inaccurate information online.
Example output
Of course! I'd be happy to help you analyze and debunk the pseudoscientific claims related to the flat earth concept. Let's explore the scientific perspective on this topic. The overwhelming consensus within the scientific community is that the Earth is an oblate spheroid, meaning it is mostly spherical but slightly flattened at the poles and bulging at the equator. This conclusion is supported by a vast amount of evidence from various scientific disciplines. Here are some key points to consider: 1. Direct observations and images: We have numerous photographs and videos of the Earth taken from space that clearly show its spherical shape. Astronauts, both from NASA and other space agencies, have also reported firsthand experiences of seeing the Earth as a globe during their space missions. 2. Gravity and its effects: Gravity, a fundamental force of nature, acts uniformly in all directions from the center of mass. Gravity pulls objects toward the center of the Earth, causing them to naturally form a spherical shape. This phenomenon can be observed in celestial bodies of sufficient mass, such as planets and moons. 3. The shape of the horizon: When we observe the horizon from different vantage points, such as from the top of a mountain or from an airplane at cruising altitude, we notice that it always appears to be at eye level and curves away from us in all directions. This curvature is consistent with the spherical shape of the Earth. 4. Celestial observations: The positions and movements of celestial objects, such as the Sun, Moon, stars, and planets, can be explained by a spherical Earth. The way these objects rise and set, their changing positions in the sky, and the shape of their shadows all align with a spherical Earth model. 5. Time zones and the International Date Line: The existence of time zones and the International Date Line is another piece of evidence supporting a spherical Earth. As we move east or west across the globe, we experience changes in time due to the Earth's rotation, which would not be possible on a flat Earth. 6. Satellite and GPS technology: Satellites and global positioning systems (GPS) work based on the understanding that the Earth is a sphere. Satellites orbit around the Earth, and GPS receivers triangulate signals from multiple satellites to determine precise location on the Earth's surface. These technologies rely on the spherical shape of the Earth for accurate calculations. 7. Gravity's effect on water: Gravity acts uniformly on all objects, including large bodies of water. Water naturally seeks a level surface due to gravity. Therefore, the surface of large bodies of water, such as oceans and seas, appears flat but follows the curvature of the Earth. (NOTE - this is not whole response)
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