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Python Quiz Generator

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generate a quiz in python about anything.
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Over 1 month ago

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Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
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113 ($0.00020 / call)
Example input
Variables: [programming language]: the programming language for which the game is developed, e.g., Python, Java, C++, JavaScript, Ruby, etc. [programming language concept]: the main topic or concept of the programming language that the game will focus on, e.g., syntax, data types, control structures, functions, modules, OOP, etc. [subtopics]: specific subtopics or areas within the main topic that the game will cover, e.g., conditionals, loops, lists, strings, variables, classes, methods, inheritance, polymorphism, etc.
Example output
Here is a Python game that quizzes users on PCAP certification topics: python Copy code import random # Define the quiz questions and answers quiz = [ { "question": "What is the output of the following code?\n\nx = [1, 2, 3]\nprint(x[1:])", "answers": ["[2, 3]", "[1, 2]", "[1, 2, 3]", "2"], "correct_answer": "[2, 3]", "explanation": "The slice notation x[1:] returns a new list starting from index 1 to the end of the list." }, { "question": "What is the result of the following expression?\n\n2 * 3 ** 3 % 5", "answers": ["1", "3", "4", "0"], "correct_answer": "1", "explanation": "The expression evaluates as 2 * (3 ** 3) % 5, which is 2 * 27 % 5, which is 1." }, { "question": "What is the output of the following code?\n\nx = (1, 2, 3)\ny = [i ** 2 for i in x]\nprint(y)", "answers": ["[1, 4, 9]", "(1, 4, 9)", "1 4 9", "{1, 4, 9}"], "correct_answer": "[1, 4, 9]", "explanation": "The list comprehension [i ** 2 for i in x] creates a new list with the squares of each element in x." }, { "question": "What is the output of the following code?\n\ndef foo(a, b=2, c=3):\n print(a, b, c)\nfoo(1)", "answers": ["1 2 3", "1 2", "1 3", "1"], "correct_answer": "1 2 3", "explanation": "The function foo has three parameters, with b and c having default values of 2 and 3, respectively. When the function is called with only one argument, the default values are used for the other parameters." }, { "question": "What is the output of the following code?\n\nimport math\nprint(math.sqrt(16))", "answers": ["4.0", "4", "2.0", "2"], "correct_answer": "4.0", "explanation": "The math.sqrt() function returns the square root of a number. In this case, it returns 4.0." } ] # Define the function to run the quiz game def run_quiz(): random.shuffle(quiz) # Shuffle the quiz questions score = 0 for i, question in enumerate(quiz): print(f"\nQuestion {i + 1}:") print(question["question"]) for j, answer in enumerate(question["answers"]): print(f"{j + 1}. {answer}") user_answer = input("Your answer: ") if user_answer == question["correct_answer"]: print("Correct!") score += 1 else: print("Incorrect!") print(question["explanation"]) print(f"\nYou scored {score} out of {len(quiz)}!") # Run the quiz game run_quiz() In this game, the quiz questions and answers are defined in a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary
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