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Quarterly Review For Manager Or Peer

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This prompt will aide you in writing a professional review of a manager or peer, written in a paragraph listing specific actions the person should start, stop, or continue doing. The start/stop/continue style is an action-oriented retrospective style favored by many companies that results in useful feedback for the recipient.
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Over 1 month ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
Token size
320 ($0.00960 / call)
Example input
[Company]: Microsoft [name of person being reviewed, title optional]: Steve Ballmer, CEO [name of person review is being sent to, title optional]: Bill Gates, Founder [freeform feedback about person being reviewed]: Steve is very passionate about what he does, and can get people riled up in a way that is both exciting and embarrassing. He may also benefit from use of deodorant.
Example output
Dear Robert, I hope this letter finds you well. As a member of the RealAI team, I wanted to share my feedback on our manager, Jan Nixon, for the past quarter. Jan has been a pleasure to work with one-on-one. She is approachable, helpful, and makes an effort to understand each team member's strengths and weaknesses. However, in team meetings, Jan can sometimes come across as overbearing, and her tendency to talk over others or berate them in front of the team can be discouraging. I suggest that Jan start actively listening and valuing the opinions of her team members in meetings, which would foster a more collaborative and productive environment. One thing that Jan excels at is instilling good time management skills in the rest of the team. Her organization and planning skills have helped us stay on track with our projects and meet our deadlines efficiently. I recommend that Jan continues to focus on time management, as it is a valuable asset to the team. Lastly, I have noticed that Jan sometimes makes off-color jokes that can be distracting. However, I appreciate that she tries to lighten the mood of the team. I suggest that Jan stop making these types of jokes in a professional setting, as it can be inappropriate and may make some team members uncomfortable. Overall, Jan has been an effective manager who has helped guide our team through various challenges this quarter. I appreciate the opportunity to provide feedback and hope that this review can contribute to Jan's continued growth and success as a manager. Best regards, Steve Johnson
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