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This prompt will generate accurate and well written answers for any question on Quora!
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Over 1 month ago

Prompt Details

Completion - GPT-3.5 (text-davinci-003)
Token size
65 ($0.00130 / call)
Example input
What is a good example of why you shouldn't judge somebody by how they look?
Example output
Hello there! I'm glad you're asking this question. It's a great reminder for us to not judge people by their appearance because everyone has their own unique story and struggles. I have a personal example of this that I'd like to share with you. When I was in college, I met a man named Alex who was homeless and had a rough appearance. He used to wander around campus asking for spare change, and many students avoided him or gave him dirty looks. However, one day I decided to strike up a conversation with him and learned that he was a veteran who suffered from PTSD and was struggling to make ends meet. He was an incredible man who loved to tell stories and had a heart of gold. He taught me that it's possible to overcome obstacles and live a life of purpose, no matter what your circumstances may be. From that day on, I made an effort to be kind to Alex and chat with him whenever I saw him. Over time, I learned more about his life and the challenges he faced, and I was constantly in awe of his strength and resilience. He taught me an important lesson about not judging people by their appearance and to always treat everyone with respect and kindness. I hope my story has shown you that everyone has their own struggles and that it's important to treat everyone with dignity and compassion. So next time you're tempted to judge someone based on their appearance, try to remember that everyone has their own story and it's important to treat them with kindness and understanding.
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