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Random Poetry Generator

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🌌 Dive into the enchanting world of poetry with our mind-blowing RANDOM Poetry Generator! ✨ This ultra-sophisticated prompt is designed to create an infinite array of unbelievable verses that will leave you spellbound. 🎭 Unleash your creativity and explore the depths of imagination with each line it generates. 🌈 From poignant love poems to vivid landscapes, this prompt has the power to captivate hearts and transport minds. πŸ“œ Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to endless inspiration!
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Over 1 month ago

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Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
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337 ($0.01010 / call)
Example input
There are no inputs. Just press click to generate a mind blowing sophisticated Poetry and do it infinite times. It will be your definitive form of inspirations.
Example output
----------------------- FIRST OUTPUT SAMPLE WITH AUTO GENERATED INPUTS ----------------------- {{Theme of the poem}} = The ephemeral beauty of life, {{Mood or tone of the poem}} = Melancholic yet hopeful, {{Time of year to set the poem}} = Autumn, {{Type of poem}} = Sonnet, {{Language or tone of the poem}} = Formal, lyrical, {{Length of the poem}} = Fourteen lines, As the twilight of the year descends in autumn's quiet hush, Leaves of gold and crimson fall, life's fleeting, fragile blush. Mourn not the dying summer's bloom, nor lament the ebbing tide, Each moment holds a poignant grace, in time's relentless slide. Behold, the bough that shivers bare, stripped of its verdant sheen, Mirrors life's inherent truth, the seen and the unseen. Like the tree that sheds its burden, so too, we must release, Clasp not too tight to fleeting joys, for even they must cease. Yet, do not sink in sorrow's grip, nor let despair constrain, For life renews with each sunrise, in joy and in pain. In the decay of the year, in the cold and the frost, Lies the promise of spring, not a whisper lost. Embrace the dance of existence, its ebb and its flow, For in the heart of transience, life's true colors show. ----------------------- SECOND OUTPUT SAMPLE WITH AUTO GENERATED INPUTS ----------------------- {{Theme of the poem}} = The unyielding passage of time, {{Mood or tone of the poem}} = Reflective and nostalgic, {{Time of year to set the poem}} = Winter, {{Type of poem}} = Haiku series, {{Language or tone of the poem}} = Minimalist, poignant, {{Length of the poem}} = Three haikus, Winter's mantle falls, Time, a relentless whisper, Echoes in the hall. Frost bites at the pane, Yesterday fades into mist, Only now remains. Silent snowflakes dance, Tomorrow is but a dream, In time's cold expanse. ----------------------- THIRD OUTPUT SAMPLE WITH AUTO GENERATED INPUTS ----------------------- {{Theme of the poem}} = The mysterious allure of the moon, {{Mood or tone of the poem}} = Enchanted and serene, {{Time of year to set the poem}} = Summer, {{Type of poem}} = Villanelle, {{Language or tone of the poem}} = Dreamy, metaphorical, {{Length of the poem}} = Nineteen lines, Beneath the veil of summer's night, the moon begins her dance, An opalescent ballet, entrancing in her trance. Each star, a secret whispered in the silent expanse. Her silvery kiss adorns the waves, an ethereal romance, While shadows play in concert, a mystic circumstance, Beneath the veil of summer's night, the moon begins her dance. A soft hush falls on the meadow, a lullaby's advance, In dreams, we reach for echoes, in hopes to enhance, Each star, a secret whispered in the silent expanse. As Luna weaves her tales in light, bewitched, we take our chance, In her reflection, we see our truths, caught in a fleeting glance, Beneath the veil of summer's night, the moon begins her dance. She holds the key to midnight's heart, the night's entrancing lance, Guiding the lost and the dreaming, in a celestial prance, Each star, a secret whispered in the silent expanse. So, let us meet again in dreams, beneath the moon's expanse, In the dance of light and shadow, in love's sacred stance, Beneath the veil of summer's night, the moon begins her dance, Each star, a secret whispered in the silent expanse.
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