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Rap Writer

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Unleash your inner rapper with this amazing ChatGPT prompt! Create powerful, meaningful lyrics that will leave your audience in awe. Let the AI help you come up with a deep and captivating lyrics. Get ready to craft a rap song that not only showcases your skills, but also speaks to the hearts of your listeners.
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1 year ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
Token size
95 ($0.00020 / call)
Example input
I need a rap song about finding strength within yourself.
Example output
[Verse 1] It's time to dig deep, and find the power within Unlock the potential that's been buried within When life gets tough and you're feeling the pain Remember the strength that's driving the rain [Chorus] Find the strength within yourself, don't let fear take hold The power of your mind can never be controlled You have the ability to make your dreams come true Just believe in yourself, and the sky's the limit for you [Verse 2] The journey to success is not always easy But it's worth it when you find your true beauty You'll find the strength you need when you need it the most And rise above the challenges that come your way like a ghost [Chorus] Find the strength within yourself, don't let fear take hold The power of your mind can never be controlled You have the ability to make your dreams come true Just believe in yourself, and the sky's the limit for you [Bridge] It's all up to you, don't you ever forget To find the courage, and the power within You have the strength to overcome any test And the determination to win [Chorus] Find the strength within yourself, don't let fear take hold The power of your mind can never be controlled You have the ability to make your dreams come true Just believe in yourself, and the sky's the limit for you
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