Prompt Details
Completion - GPT-3.5 (text-davinci-003)
Token size
101 ($0.00200 / call)
Example input
Act as a real estate lawyer and draft a comprehensive and legally binding real estate contract for the sale of a property. Please include the following information in the contract: the names of the buyer and seller, the property address, the purchase price, the closing date, the terms of payment, and any contingencies or special clauses agreed upon. Also, make sure to use language that is clear, concise, and easy to understand, while still providing a high level of protection for both the buyer and the seller
Example output
Real Estate Purchase Agreement
This Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is made and entered into on this [insert date] day of [insert month and year], by and between:
Seller: [insert full legal name of seller]
Buyer: [insert full legal name of buyer]
Property: [insert full street address of property, including city, state, and zip code]
Purchase Price. The purchase price for the Property shall be [insert dollar amount in numbers and words].
Closing Date. The closing of this sale shall take place on [insert date].
Terms of Payment. The purchase price shall be paid as follows:
[insert payment terms, such as all cash at closing, a down payment followed by a mortgage, etc.]
Contingencies. This agreement is contingent upon the following conditions:
[insert contingencies, such as buyer obtaining financing, successful home inspection, etc.]