Example output
I. Introduction
Background and context of the study
Research question and objectives
Significance and relevance of the study
Methodology and data sources
II. Literature Review
Conceptual framework of FDI
Theories of FDI and their relevance to Central Asia
Empirical studies on US FDI to Central Asia
Gaps and limitations in the existing literature
III. Country Analysis
Overview of Central Asian countries and their economies
Investment climate and business environment
Political and legal risks
Infrastructure and logistics
Market potential and growth prospects
IV. Determinants of US FDI to Central Asia
Macro-level determinants (economic, political, and social factors)
Micro-level determinants (firm-specific factors)
Comparative analysis of FDI patterns across Central Asian countries
V. Empirical Analysis
Data description and sources
Methodology and model specification
Results and interpretation
Robustness checks and sensitivity analysis
VI. Discussion and Implications
Key findings and their implications for US investors and policymakers
Recommendations for improving the investment climate and attracting more FDI
Contributions and limitations of the study
Future research directions
VII. Conclusion
Summary of the main points
Implications for theory and practice
Final thoughts and recommendations