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RPG Character Creator For Any System

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Discover the ultimate RPG character-building tool, designed to help you create engaging and immersive characters for any roleplaying game. From backstory to personality traits and character development, we've got you covered. Input your game system, desired role, and character motivation to receive expert guidance on stats and other crucial elements. Dive into a world of limitless possibilities and bring your stories to life!
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Over 1 month ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
Token size
88 ($0.00260 / call)
Example input
[Game system and setting]: Waterdeep in 4e GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying [Role or archetype]: I would love to play an elven archer who has some useful magical abilities. [Goal or motivation]: Raised by dwarves underground, has a dwarven dislike of Elves. Loves his dwarven parents but also feels like an outsider. Has really suffered from being disliked by the community. Wants to travel and explore the outside world - has a slight dislike of open spaces, but not too bad. Motivation is to find himself and discover what he is capable of, while also finding a new area for his extended clan to build a mining community, which will make him seen as a hero to his people and maybe finally be accepted.
Example output
Character Name: Thalindor Stonesong Race: Elf Profession: Archer-Mage Attributes and Secondary Characteristics: ST 10 DX 14 IQ 12 HT 10 HP 10 Will 12 Per 12 FP 10 Basic Speed 6.0 Basic Move 6 Basic Lift 20 Advantages: Elven Advantages (Extended Lifespan, Night Vision, etc.) Talent: Dwarven Craftsmanship (helps with creating fine-quality arrows and maintaining his gear) Magery 2 (limited to spells that complement his archery or survival skills) Disadvantages: Dwarven Social Stigma (disliked by the dwarven community, but also his elven kin due to his dwarven upbringing) Curious (strongly driven to explore and discover new places) Sense of Duty (to his adoptive dwarven clan) Skills: Bow (DX+2) Fast-Draw (Arrow) (DX) Camouflage (IQ) Survival (Underground) (Per) Hiking (HT) Climbing (DX) Masonry (IQ) Prospecting (IQ) Thaumatology (IQ) Axe/Mace (DX+1) Stealth (DX+2) Spells: Seek Earth (IQ) Shape Earth (IQ) Purify Air (IQ) Create Air (IQ) Levitation (IQ) Blur (IQ) Lockmaster (IQ) Appearance: Thalindor has a lean and agile build, typical of an elf, but sports a thick beard - a clear influence of his dwarven upbringing. His long hair is often braided, with small trinkets and gems woven in. He wears practical, earth-toned clothing, a mix of elven and dwarven styles, that allows him to blend into the shadows. Backstory: Thalindor Stonesong was found as an infant by his dwarven parents, Falgrim and Greta Stonesong, abandoned in a cavern deep within the earth. The couple raised Thalindor as their own, despite the mixed reception from their community. As Thalindor grew, he displayed remarkable aptitude with the bow and a natural talent for magic. His dwarven upbringing gave him an affinity for the underground world, and he developed skills such as masonry, prospecting, and underground survival. However, his elven heritage remained a source of strife within the community, causing Thalindor to feel like an outsider. Personality Traits: Thalindor is stoic and introverted, having had to develop a thick skin due to his community's disapproval. He is fiercely loyal to his adoptive parents and the dwarven clan that raised him, and he feels a strong sense of duty to repay their kindness. Thalindor is also very curious about the world and wants to explore the outside world in order to find himself and discover his capabilities. Character Development: As Thalindor embarks on his journey, his story can involve developing friendships and alliances with other adventurers who appreciate him for who he is. He may work to overcome his slight dislike of open spaces, discovering that the surface world has its own unique challenges and beauty. As he explores and adventures, Thalindor can learn more about both his elven and dwarven heritage, finding a balance between the two and a sense of belonging. Thalindor's quest to find a new area for his extended clan to build a mining community can lead him to uncover ancient ruins, long-lost secrets, and powerful artifacts. His magical abilities and archery skills will continue to grow, along with his ability to create and maintain high-quality equipment for himself and his companions. Through his adventures, Thalindor will have the opportunity to prove himself not only to his dwarven clan but also to the elven community, possibly earning their respect and acceptance.
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