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Engage your audience from the very start with a compelling first act. Let our screenplay writing prompt bring your story to life!
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Over 1 month ago

Prompt Details

Completion - GPT-3.5 (text-davinci-003)
Token size
145 ($0.00290 / call)
Example input
Write the first act (30 minutes of screen time) for a screenplay about a group of astronauts stranded on a distant planet.
Example output
FADE IN: EXT. SPACE - DAY A vast expanse of stars, planets, and distant galaxies stretches out before us. INT. SPACESHIP - DAY On board a small, two-man spacecraft, a pair of ASTRONAUTS, JOHN and JIM, sit side-by-side in the cramped cockpit. They are both wearing white space suits, their helmets securely fastened. INT. SPACESHIP - CONTROLS John and Jim pilot the spacecraft, their hands efficiently manipulating the controls. We hear the low hum of the engines and the occasional beep of the instruments. EXT. PLANET - DAY The spacecraft descends towards a distant, desolate planet. The surface is barren and lifeless, save for a few scattered rocks. INT. SPACESHIP - DAY John and Jim look out the window, their faces reflecting the awe of their surroundings. JOHN (awed) We’re really here. JIM (awed) We made it. EXT. PLANET - DAY The spacecraft touches down on the surface of the planet, kicking up a cloud of dust and debris. INT. SPACESHIP - DAY John and Jim unbuckle their seatbelts and stand up. JOHN Well, this is it. JIM (nodding) Let’s go explore. EXT. PLANET - DAY John and Jim step out of the spacecraft and onto the planet’s surface. They look around in amazement, taking in the alien landscape. EXT. PLANET - LATER John and Jim wander the planet, exploring its vast terrain. They find strange plants, rock formations, and creatures that they have never seen before. EXT. PLANET - NIGHT John and Jim settle down for the night, lying on the ground and gazing up at the stars. JIM Look at all those stars. JOHN (smiling) We’re a million miles away from home. EXT. PLANET - DAY The next morning, John and Jim awaken to find that their spacecraft has been mysteriously disabled. EXT. PLANET - DAY John and Jim look at each other in horror, realizing that they are now stranded on this distant planet. JIM What are we going to do now? John and Jim exchange a moment of silence before John finally speaks. JOHN We’ll find a way off this planet. FADE OUT.
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