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Short Story Generator

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This Prompt will generate short stories based on your input. It adds a description, illustration ideas and search tags to the end, so that you can sell or post it online.
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After purchasing, you will gain access to the prompt file which you can use with GPT or the app builder. You'll receive 20 free generation credits with this purchase. By purchasing this prompt, you agree to our terms of service.
1 year ago

Prompt Details

Completion - GPT-3.5 (text-davinci-003)
Token size
66 ($0.00130 / call)
Example input
Input: Topic: Kids with dogs Target audience: Children Mood: funny
Example output
Title: "The Great Dog Show" Once upon a time, there was a group of kids who all had dogs. They loved to play with their furry friends and show them off to everyone. One day, they heard about a dog show that was coming to town and decided to enter their dogs in the competition. The day of the show arrived and the kids were so excited. They groomed their dogs and dressed them in fancy outfits, ready to show them off to the judges. The first competition was the obedience test, and all the dogs did a great job. But when it was time for the trick competition, things got a little silly. One dog, a scruffy terrier named Max, decided to show off his own tricks. He started doing flips, rolls, and even playing dead! The judges were so impressed by Max's creativity that they declared him the winner of the trick competition. The other dogs were so jealous that they started copying Max's tricks, but they just couldn't quite get the hang of it. In the end, all the dogs and kids had a great time at the show and everyone went home with a big smile on their faces. Description: A funny and whimsical story about a group of kids and their dogs who enter a dog show and end up causing a bit of chaos. Search tags: kids, dogs, children, pets, animal stories, funny stories, dog shows. Illustration ideas: Kids and dogs dressed in fancy outfits Dogs performing tricks Judges with surprised expressions Max the terrier doing flips and playing dead The other dogs trying to copy Max's tricks and failing.
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