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Side Hustle Generator

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This prompt will create a personalized side hustle just for you. Whatever your situation is, this prompt will find you the right side hustle to start making money ASAP.
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1 year ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
Token size
93 ($0.00020 / call)
Example input
I am a 20 year old boy currently attending college. I am taking 4 courses so I don't have too much extra time but I would like to start a side hustle that is easy to get started and will generate passive income on the side. I'm a good learner and can pick things up pretty fast. I'm interested in video games, sports, and movies. I have a few hundred dollars sitting in my savings account that I am willing to invest.
Example output
Thanks for sharing that information with me! Based on what you've told me, here's an idea for a side hustle that could work for you: Side Hustle Idea: Build and sell custom gaming computers As someone who is interested in video games and has some money to invest, building and selling custom gaming computers could be a great opportunity for you to generate passive income. You could leverage your skills as a fast learner to research and learn about the different components needed to build a high-quality gaming computer, and then create a website or social media presence where you can advertise and sell your products. Here are the steps you could take to get started: Research the different components needed to build a gaming computer, such as processors, graphics cards, and motherboards. There are many online resources available, such as tech forums and YouTube tutorials, that can help you learn about the different options and how to put them together. Determine your pricing strategy. Research what other custom gaming computer builders are charging for their products and determine what you can offer at a competitive price point. Be sure to factor in the cost of components, any software you may need, and shipping costs. Build a few custom gaming computers to showcase on your website or social media pages. Consider building computers at different price points to appeal to a wider range of customers. Advertise your products through social media and online communities for gamers. You could also consider attending gaming conventions or hosting events to showcase your products. As orders come in, build and ship the computers to your customers. Make sure to provide excellent customer service and follow-up support to ensure customer satisfaction. Here are some estimated effort and costs involved: Effort: Researching and learning about computer components: 10-20 hours Building a few custom gaming computers: 5-10 hours per computer Advertising and promoting your products: Ongoing Costs: Computer components: $500-$1,500 per computer, depending on the level of customization and performance Website and domain: $10-$50 per month, depending on the hosting provider and website platform Advertising and promotion: $0-$500 per month, depending on the channels you choose to use Overall, building and selling custom gaming computers could be a fun and profitable side hustle for you. With your interest in video games and your ability to learn quickly, you have the potential to create high-quality products that will appeal to other gamers. Good luck with your side hustle!
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