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Social Media Content Ideas Generator

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Elevate your brand’s social game with this ultimate content generator for detailed weekly ideas. 📆 Suitable for all levels, this prompt sparks creative brilliance, ensuring your brand shines on social media. 🌟 From engaging posts to strategic themes, this prompt crafts a tailored content plan that aligns seamlessly with your brand’s identity. 🎨 Maximize engagement, tell your story authentically, and build a loyal following effortlessly. 🚀📲
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7 months ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
Token size
252 ($0.00040 / call)
Example input
[specific brand]: beauty brand, [answer]: your answer to the customization questions
Example output
**Monday: Marvelous Lipstick Monday** - Content: Showcase a stunning lip art tutorial using your lipsticks, encouraging followers to try their own versions. - Caption: "Unleash your creativity with our lipsticks! 💄 Show us your Lip Art using #LipArtMagic ✨ #BuyNow" **Tuesday: Trendy Tips Tuesday** - Content: Share quick lipstick application tips for different occasions, engaging followers with interactive polls to vote on their favorites. - Caption: "From brunch to date night, which lipstick tip is your go-to? Cast your vote in the polls! 💋 #TrendyTipsTuesday #BuyNow" **Wednesday: Behind-the-Scenes Wednesday** - Content: Take followers behind the scenes of lipstick production, introducing the team and the craftsmanship that goes into each shade. - Caption: "Meet the magic makers behind your favorite lipsticks! 🌟 Join us behind the scenes today. #BTSWednesday #BuyNow" **Thursday: Throwback Glam Thursday** - Content: Share iconic lipstick moments from the brand's history, encouraging followers to reminisce and share their favorite lipstick memories. - Caption: "Throwing it back to our classic shades! What's your all-time favorite lipstick memory? Share it with us! 💄 #GlamThrowback #BuyNow" **Friday: Fan Feature Friday** - Content: Feature user-generated content, showcasing followers wearing the brand's lipsticks. Ask for submissions and highlight a few stunning looks. - Caption: "Our Friday faves! Tag us in your lipstick looks for a chance to be featured. 💖 #FanFeatureFriday #BuyNow" **Saturday: Shade Spotlight Saturday** - Content: Highlight a bestselling lipstick shade, sharing its story, versatility, and encouraging followers to share their own experiences with the shade. - Caption: "Shine the spotlight on our bestseller! Share your pics and stories with this gorgeous shade. ✨ #ShadeSpotlightSaturday #BuyNow" **Sunday: Self-Care Sunday** - Content: Create a self-care routine featuring the brand's lip products. Encourage followers to share their self-care moments using a dedicated hashtag. - Caption: "Indulge in self-care with our lip essentials! Show us your Sunday pampering routine using #SelfCareGlow 💄 #BuyNow" This content plan aims to engage the audience through a mix of tutorials, polls, behind-the-scenes content, nostalgia, user-generated content, product highlights, and self-care promotion, all while maintaining a playful and interactive tone.
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