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Introducing The Ultimate AI Tutor! 🚀 Dive into the Socratic method—get challenged, provoked, and guided, not just spoon-fed answers. Perfect for any topic, from homework to exams, it adjusts to your knowledge level. Taking the SATs, MCATs, NEET? Customize for exam-specific insights. Get in-depth feedback on every response, identifying gaps and solidifying concepts. If you're stuck, it turns into a teacher, diving deep into subjects. Experience adaptive, personalized learning, tailored for you!
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Over 1 month ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
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418 ($0.01250 / call)
Example input
The next item to be judged is: "In the Late Middle Ages, the 14th-century economic crisis was compounded by the Black Death, which, amidst the poor sanitary conditions in the burgeoning cities, wiped out more than a third of the population. The European production system suffered greatly, but it expanded again in the following century, in part due to the great overseas voyages".
Example output
Certainly! Let's start. Could you clarify what you understand by the concept of "Late Middle Ages"? Why is this period considered "late" in relation to the chronological structure of the Middle Ages? Also, let's consider the 14th-century economic crisis. Let's overview the possible causes of this economic crisis, before we delve into the Black Death: Imagine that you are in Europe at the beginning of the 14th century. The population had grown significantly in previous centuries due to a period of favorable climate, leading to abundant harvests. With more people, however, there are also more mouths to feed. Allow me to guide you through a series of reflections and questions: 1. If the climate begins to change, becoming colder and less predictable, how do you think this would affect the harvests and, consequently, the food supply?  2. And what would happen to food prices if the food supply began to decline while demand remained high or even increased?  3. How would these factors affect the overall economy, considering trade and labor availability? I ask that you reflect on these questions and present your thoughts so we can continue.
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