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Text-based Adventure Game For Kids

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πŸš€ Allows kids to explore the power of ChatGPT through an interactive game πŸŽ₯ Kids can choose their own movie, TV show, or book for the theme of their game πŸŽ‰ The perfect introduction for your kids, or your students, to get using ChatGPT!
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Over 1 month ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
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77 ($0.00020 / call)
Example input
[A set number of options]: A, B, C, D [Movie, TV Show, Book]: Harry Potter [# of points]: 50
Example output
Welcome to the magical world of Harry Potter! You find yourself wandering through the Forbidden Forest, when you suddenly hear a rustling in the bushes. What do you do? A. Investigate the sound. B. Run away as fast as you can. C. Cast a protection spell. D. Stay still and wait for the sound to pass. Please choose your option: ***** Response: C ***** You quickly cast a protective shield around yourself just as a group of angry Acromantulas (giant spiders) burst out of the bushes. Their fangs clang against the barrier as they try to attack you. You realize that the shield won't hold up for long, so you need to act fast. A. Use a fire spell to scare the spiders away. B. Use a freezing spell to freeze the spiders in place. C. Use a blasting spell to blast the spiders away. D. Use a levitation spell to lift yourself up and away from the spiders. Please choose your option: ***** Response: D ***** You quickly cast a levitation spell and lift yourself up into the air, out of the reach of the angry Acromantulas. The spiders try to climb up after you, but you manage to stay out of their reach. You fly higher and higher until you're safe from the spiders. As you look around, you realize that you're lost in the Forbidden Forest. You need to find your way back to Hogwarts before it gets too late. You see a clearing up ahead, and decide to head towards it. As you enter the clearing, you see a group of centaurs in the distance. They seem to be discussing something. What do you do? A. Approach the centaurs and ask for their help. B. Stay hidden and observe the centaurs from afar. C. Cast a spell to make yourself invisible. D. Retreat back into the forest and find another way out. Please choose your option: ***** Response: A ***** You decide to approach the centaurs and ask for their help. As you walk towards them, you notice that they're becoming increasingly agitated. One of them steps forward and warns you to stay away. A. Insist on asking for their help. B. Apologize and turn around. C. Cast a spell to calm the centaurs. D. Draw your wand and prepare for a fight. Please choose your option:
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