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πŸ’¬ Endless content inspiration for your brand on socials. Generate actionable, analytical and inspirational ideas for your audience. πŸ€– Never run out of great content ideas again using this ChatGPT template. This template helps you spin-up over 40 ideas for any subject or product you want to talk about. ✍🏽 Unlock the power of your ideas, services or products and master the art of social media communication. Get ready to command attention, spark engagement, and build your personal brand! πŸš€
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Over 1 month ago

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Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
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223 ($0.00040 / call)
Example input
πŸ’‘ Looking to automate your content creation for your brand? Or just a continuous flow of inspiration what to write about your service/product/ideas? With this prompt you’ll generate over 40 ideas of any topic/product from 11 different angles. πŸ“œ This template makes use of actual prompt engineering methodology where it helps you set the conditions for ChatGPT to craft the best results. It will cover: 1. it's role / expertise 2. the goal and focus of your target audience 3. the outline and any constraints of the task to be done 4. examples of the format to be used by ChatGPT From this input it will cover the results and generate 40 ideas across 11 different types of threads that you can use to endlessly plan and automate your content calendar with. It will cover: - Hacks - Tips - Steps - Lessons - Benefits - Mistakes - Examples - Questions - and more.. πŸ”  Let's start with an example where I gave this goal: "My primary goal with my content is to get my readers to think differently about their finances by informing them how their financial choices today impact their tomorrow."
Example output
Thread Idea 1: Hacks Hacks to Save Money Every Month: Automate your savings. Negotiate bills and subscriptions. Utilize cashback and rewards programs. Prepare meals at home. Embrace the sharing economy. Hacks to Boost Your Investment Portfolio: Diversify your investments. Take advantage of tax-efficient accounts. Reinvest dividends and interest. Regularly rebalance your portfolio. Stay informed about market trends. Hacks for Paying Off Debt Faster: Prioritize high-interest debts. Create a budget and stick to it. Consider debt consolidation options. Negotiate lower interest rates. Look for opportunities to increase income. Hacks to Maximize Your Retirement Savings: Contribute to tax-advantaged retirement accounts. Take advantage of employer matching programs. Start investing early to benefit from compounding. Increase your savings rate over time. Keep your investment fees low. Hacks for Achieving Financial Independence: Track your expenses meticulously. Optimize your spending to align with your values. Build multiple streams of income. Continuously educate yourself about personal finance. Set clear financial goals and create a roadmap to achieve them. --- Thread Idea 2: Tips Tips for Building an Emergency Fund: Set a realistic savings goal. Cut unnecessary expenses to accelerate savings. Automate contributions to your emergency fund. Keep the funds in a separate account. Regularly reassess and adjust the size of your fund. Tips for Negotiating a Salary Increase: Research salary benchmarks for your industry. Highlight your achievements and added value. Practice and prepare for negotiations. Consider non-monetary benefits. Be willing to walk away if necessary. Tips for Managing Financial Stress: Develop a budget and stick to it. Establish an emergency fund for peace of mind. Practice self-care and prioritize mental health. Seek support from friends or financial advisors. Focus on long-term financial goals and progress. Tips for Balancing Frugality and Enjoyment: Identify your financial priorities and values. Practice mindful spending. Look for free or low-cost alternatives to expensive activities. Find joy in experiences rather than material possessions. Allocate a portion of your budget for guilt-free indulgences. Tips for Teaching Kids about Money: Lead by example with your own financial habits. Encourage saving and delayed gratification. Involve kids in age-appropriate financial decisions. Teach the value of hard work and earning money. Foster open conversations about money and its role in life. --- Thread Idea 3: Steps Steps to Create a Solid Financial Plan: Assess your current financial situation. Define short-term and long-term financial goals. Develop a budget and track your expenses. Establish an emergency fund. Implement a savings and investment strategy. Steps to Start Investing for Beginners: Educate yourself about different investment options. Determine your risk tolerance and investment goals. Open a brokerage account. Select diversified investment funds or stocks. Monitor and adjust your investments periodically. Steps to Achieve Debt Freedom: Create a comprehensive list of all debts. Prioritize debts based on interest rates. Develop a repayment plan, such as the debt snowball or avalanche method. Consider debt consolidation or refinancing if beneficial. Celebrate each paid-off debt and stay motivated. Steps to Retire Early and Financially Independent: Calculate your desired retirement savings number. Increase your savings rate. Invest in tax-efficient retirement accounts. Build passive income streams. Continuously reassess and adjust your retirement plan. Steps to Protect Your Financial Future: Obtain adequate insurance coverage (life, health, property, etc.). Create an estate plan, including a will and power of attorney. Regularly review and update your beneficiaries. Stay vigilant against financial scams and fraud. Build an emergency fund to prepare for unforeseen circumstances. --- Thread Idea 4: Lessons Lessons from Millionaires on Achieving Financial Independence: Consistent saving and investing are key. Mindful spending and living below your means. Embrace calculated risks and entrepreneurship. Continuously educate yourself about personal finance. Surround yourself with supportive and like-minded individuals. Lessons from Financial Mistakes and How to Avoid Them: Don't neglect your emergency fund. Avoid excessive consumer debt. Research and understand investments before jumping in. Start investing and saving early. Regularly reassess and adjust your financial plan. Lessons on the Benefits of Passive Income Streams: Passive income provides financial security and flexibility. Diversify your passive income sources. Building passive income takes time and effort. Continually seek opportunities to generate passive income. Passive income can accelerate your path to financial independence. Lessons on the Power of Compounding: Start investing as early as possible to maximize compounding. Consistently reinvest dividends and interest. Stay invested for the long term to reap compounding benefits. The power of compounding grows exponentially over time. Patience and discipline are essential for capitalizing on compounding. Lessons on Overcoming Financial Obstacles: Stay positive and maintain a growth mindset. Seek support from mentors or financial advisors. Break down large financial goals into manageable steps. Embrace setbacks as learning opportunities. Persistence and perseverance lead to long-term success.
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