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Tiktok Script Writer For Any Genre

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Put your creativity to work with our captivating TikTok script writer for any genre! This prompt will help you create engaging, audience-specific TikTok scripts tailored to your chosen genre, video length and style. Perfect for creators who want to produce original, platform appropriate content that resonates with their target audience. Stand out in the TikTok universe with custom scripts that reflect your creative vision.
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Updated: 9 months ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
Token size
77 ($0.00020 / call)
Example input
[Genre]: Comedy, [Target audience]: Millennials, [Video length]: 60 seconds, [Specific style or format]: Skit, [Elements included or avoided]: Pop culture references
Example output
Title: "The Great Streaming Debate" INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY CHARACTERS: 1. ALEX (Main character, millennial) 2. CHRIS (Alex's friend, millennial) Alex and Chris are sitting on the couch, browsing through streaming platforms on the TV. ALEX (frustrated) There are just too many streaming platforms! I can't decide which one to choose. CHRIS (smirking) Why not have a streaming debate to determine the best one? CUT TO: INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY - MINUTES LATER Alex and Chris are now standing, facing each other with conviction. A makeshift podium separates them. ALEX (defending Netflix) Netflix has Stranger Things, The Crown, and the best true-crime documentaries! CHRIS (counter-arguing) But Hulu has The Handmaid's Tale, PEN15, and a great selection of classic sitcoms like Friends and The Office! ALEX (retorting) Don't forget about Disney+! The Mandalorian, WandaVision, and all the nostalgic Disney movies we grew up with! CHRIS (conceding) True, but have you checked out HBO Max? Game of Thrones, Westworld, and a whole bunch of critically acclaimed movies! They pause and look at each other, realizing they still can't decide. ALEX (sighing) Maybe we should just stick to YouTube. CHRIS (nodding in agreement) Agreed. They high-five and return to the couch to watch YouTube on the TV. CUT TO BLACK.
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