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Vegan Meal Plan

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This 7-day vegan meal plan is designed to provide a balance of essential nutrients through a variety of plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. The plan ensures that ingredients are not repeated too frequently over three days. It's perfect for anyone looking to adopt a vegan lifestyle or simply incorporate more plant-based foods into their diet.
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1 year ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
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77 ($0.00020 / call)
Example input
Create a 7-day "vegan" meal plan for a "69kg, 165cm 26 years young Female"
Example output
Day 1: Breakfast: Vegan protein smoothie with banana, almond butter, spinach, and pea protein powder. Lunch: Vegan quinoa salad with mixed vegetables, edamame, and avocado. Dinner: Vegan lentil and vegetable stir-fry with tofu and brown rice. Snacks: Roasted chickpeas, sliced apple with almond butter. Day 2: Breakfast: Vegan protein pancakes with banana and walnuts. Lunch: Vegan lentil and vegetable soup with a side salad of mixed greens. Dinner: Vegan tempeh and vegetable stir-fry with quinoa. Snacks: Roasted almonds, sliced bell pepper with hummus. Day 3: Breakfast: Vegan protein smoothie bowl with mixed berries, spinach, and granola. Lunch: Vegan black bean and sweet potato chili with avocado. Dinner: Vegan chickpea and vegetable curry with brown rice. Snacks: Roasted pumpkin seeds, sliced cucumber with hummus. Day 4: Breakfast: Vegan protein oatmeal with mixed berries, chia seeds, and almond milk. Lunch: Vegan "chicken" Caesar salad with tempeh "chicken" and roasted chickpeas. Dinner: Vegan lentil and vegetable shepherd's pie with a side salad of mixed greens. Snacks: Roasted cashews, sliced pear with almond butter. Day 5: Breakfast: Vegan protein smoothie with banana, peanut butter, spinach, and hemp protein powder. Lunch: Vegan quinoa and vegetable stir-fry with edamame and avocado. Dinner: Vegan mushroom and lentil soup with a side salad of mixed greens. Snacks: Roasted edamame, sliced carrot with hummus. Day 6: Breakfast: Vegan protein smoothie bowl with mixed berries, spinach, and granola. Lunch: Vegan chickpea and vegetable wrap with hummus, tomato, and cucumber. Dinner: Vegan tempeh and vegetable stir-fry with brown rice. Snacks: Roasted sunflower seeds, sliced apple with almond butter. Day 7: Breakfast: Vegan protein pancakes with banana and walnuts. Lunch: Vegan lentil and vegetable soup with a side salad of mixed greens. Dinner: Vegan lentil and vegetable shepherd's pie with a side salad of mixed greens. Snacks: Roasted almonds, sliced bell pepper with hummus.
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