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Viral Video Idea Generator

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🔥Unleash the power of the Viral Video Idea Generator prompt! 🌟Ideal for content creators, social media strategists, and digital marketers. ✅Fully customizable: Create captivating ideas for videos that have the potential to go viral. ✅Perfect for staying ahead of trends and engaging a wide audience on YouTube. 💪Spark creativity and drive engagement with viral-worthy content ideas.
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6 months ago

Prompt Details

Chat - (gpt-4-turbo)
Token size
87 ($0.00260 / call)
Example input
[trend] - "DIY home organization" [content type] - "instructional and humorous"
Example output
Concept Outline: "Clutter Busters: The Comic Crusade to Organize Your Home!" Episode 1: "The Closet Catastrophe" Opening Hook: Start with a humorous skit showing the exaggerated chaos of an unorganized closet. Clothes avalanche when the door opens, a cat jumps out amongst a pile of hats, etc. Introduction: Our host, dressed as a superhero named "Captain Tidy", introduces the mission: Transforming the chaos into a palace of peace and organization. Challenge: Introduce a relatable challenge, like organizing with zero budget, using only items already in the home. The Transformation Journey: Comic Relief: As Captain Tidy attempts to organize, comical mishaps occur (e.g., getting tangled in hangers). DIY Tips and Tricks: Share clever folding techniques, DIY separators from cardboard boxes, and upcycling old containers. Narrative: A timer is set for a "speed clean", adding urgency and a gaming element. Interactive Element: A poll asking viewers which item Captain Tidy will tackle next: shoes, accessories, or the "mystery drawer". Educational Segment: Quick-fire round explaining the "5 D's of Decluttering": Decide, Declutter, Designate, Discipline, Delight. Transformation Reveal: A before-and-after showcase with dramatic music and reaction shots. Call-to-Action (CTA): Engagement CTA: Encourage viewers to comment with their own organizing hacks or mishaps. Subscription CTA: "Join the Clutter Busters League" by subscribing and hitting the bell for notifications. Share CTA: Prompt viewers to share the video with friends who need a laugh or a hand with organizing. Outro: Tease the next episode with a cliffhanger, e.g., "Will Captain Tidy conquer the kitchen clutter, or will the utensils prove too much? Find out next time!" Key Elements for Virality: Relatability: The struggle with clutter is nearly universal, and starting with a humorous relatable problem can hook viewers. Entertainment: The superhero persona adds a layer of humor and escapism, making the content more shareable. Utility: Mixing in genuinely useful organization tips ensures viewers gain value from the content, increasing the likelihood of likes and shares. Community Engagement: Interactive polls and CTAs for sharing tips create a community around the content, encouraging engagement and return viewers. Series Potential: Making this an episodic adventure encourages viewers to return and subscribe for more content. Interactive Elements: Live Stream Organization Sessions: Viewers can vote in real-time for what gets organized next. Viewer Challenge: Encourage viewers to share before-and-after photos of their own organization efforts using a branded hashtag. Giveaways: Randomly select winners from commenters or those who share their before-and-after stories.
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