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Viral YouTube Scripts In Minutes

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✅Are you stuck writing video scripts?✅ Imagine being able to create captivating titles and scripts in just minutes. With this ChatGPT prompt, you'll have the power to craft videos that mesmerize, evoke emotions, and keep viewers glued to their screens. Designed to assist creators of all levels, this prompt will revolutionize the way you create content forever. Experience firsthand how this prompt can boost engagement and make your channel explode with popularity!
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Updated: Over 1 month ago
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Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4o (gpt-4o)
Token size
162 ($0.00810 / call)
Example input
[150 words or less.]: 150 words or less [The Untold Betrayal: Julius Caesar's Assassination in 60 Seconds!" Dive into the dramatic conspiracy behind the assassination of one of history's most iconic leaders, Julius Caesar, in just one minute!]: The Untold Betrayal: Julius Caesar's Assassination in 60 Seconds!" Dive into the dramatic conspiracy behind the assassination of one of history's most iconic leaders, Julius Caesar, in just one minute!
Example output
The Senate chamber fell silent as Caesar entered, regal in his triumph. Whispers of loyalty and treachery danced in the air, hidden behind courteous bows. Brutus, face impassive, approached with a scroll. "From the people," Brutus intoned, extending it. Caesar, trusting, took the scroll, his eyes meeting Brutus’s for a brief, poignant moment. There was no hint of the dagger hidden within the folds of the senatorial robes. In a sudden, fluid motion, steel gleamed under the chamber's torchlight. Brutus's hand trembled but didn’t waver. “For Rome,” he whispered, plunging the dagger deep. Caesar staggered, eyes wide with betrayal, finding every senator's face, each holding a blade. But the true twist came as Caesar fell, whispering with his final breath, "Et tu, Cassius?" A shocked gasp rippled through the Senate—Cassius, unseen till now, dropped his hood. The true architect of betrayal had hidden even from history itself.
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