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Weekly Organization Plan

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This prompt generates detailed weekly organization plan. You can choose your schedule and set your goal. Ideal if you have a goal but you are too busy. Enjoy!
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Over 1 month ago

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Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
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91 ($0.00270 / call)
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Make a weekly organizational plan adapted to my current schedule : full-time student, and my main objectives : build an e-commerce website. 
Example output
**Monday:** * Morning:   * Attend classes   * Review lecture notes * Afternoon:   * **1 hour** of research on e-commerce platforms and website builders   * **30 minutes** of brainstorming website design and layout ideas * Evening:   * Study and complete assignments **Tuesday:** * Morning:   * Attend classes   * Review lecture notes * Afternoon:   * **1 hour** of researching e-commerce trends, target audience, and competitors   * **30 minutes** of defining your unique selling proposition (USP) * Evening:   * Study and complete assignments **Wednesday:** * Morning:   * Attend classes   * Review lecture notes * Afternoon:   * **1 hour** of product sourcing research   * **30 minutes** of planning your product categories and inventory * Evening:   * Study and complete assignments **Thursday:** * Morning:   * Attend classes   * Review lecture notes * Afternoon:   * **1 hour** of setting up e-commerce website on chosen platform   * **30 minutes** of customizing website design and layout * Evening:   * Study and complete assignments **Friday:** * Morning:   * Attend classes   * Review lecture notes * Afternoon:   * **1 hour** of setting up payment gateways and shipping options   * **30 minutes** of testing website functionality and user experience * Evening:   * Study and complete assignments **Saturday:** * Morning:   * **1 hour** of planning marketing strategy (SEO, social media, email marketing)   * **30 minutes** of setting up social media accounts for your e-commerce website * Afternoon:   * **1 hour** of studying and applying SEO techniques to your website   * **1 hour** of creating content for social media (product photos, promotional posts) * Evening:   * Relax and unwind **Sunday:** * Morning:   * **1 hour** of planning the upcoming week   * **30 minutes** of reflecting on the progress made during the past week * Afternoon:   * **1 hour** of learning about e-commerce growth strategies   * **30 minutes** of setting short-term and long-term goals for your website * Evening:   * Relax and unwind By following this weekly organizational plan, you can effectively balance your academic responsibilities with your e-commerce website project. Remember to consistently allocate time to both activities and prioritize tasks as needed. Utilize time management techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique to maintain focus and productivity during your work sessions.
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