Example input
First Prompt: Top 10 hacking scripts, Cybersecurity fundamentals, Learn a language
Second Prompt: Python Basics for Hacking, Introduction to Cybersecurity, fundamentals of a language
Example output
Title: Top 10 Hacking Scripts in Python
Section 1: Introduction
1.1 Welcome and Overview
1.2 Understanding Ethical Hacking
1.3 Introduction to Python for Hacking
1.4 Setting Up the Python Environment
Section 2: Python Basics for Hacking
2.1 Python Fundamentals: Syntax, Variables, and Data Types
2.2 Working with Python Libraries
2.3 Understanding Network Basics
2.4 Project: Setting up Your First Python Script
Section 3: Script 1 - Port Scanner
3.1 Understanding Network Ports
3.2 Creating a Basic Port Scanner in Python
3.3 Enhancing Your Port Scanner
3.4 Project: Custom Port Scanner
Section 4: Script 2 - FTP Password Cracker
4.1 Introduction to FTP and its Vulnerabilities
4.2 Building an FTP Password Cracker
4.3 Improving Your Password Cracker
4.4 Project: Securing an FTP Server
Section 5: Script 3 - Packet Sniffer
5.1 Understanding Network Packets
5.2 Building a Basic Packet Sniffer
5.3 Enhancing Your Packet Sniffer
5.4 Project: Detecting Suspicious Network Traffic
Section 6: Script 4 - Email Scraper
6.1 Understanding Email Scraping
6.2 Developing an Email Scraper
6.3 Improving Your Email Scraper
6.4 Project: Protecting Against Email Scraping
Section 7: Script 5 - Keylogger
7.1 Introduction to Keylogging
7.2 Building a Simple Keylogger
7.3 Enhancing Your Keylogger
7.4 Project: Detecting and Neutralizing a Keylogger
Section 8: Script 6 - Web Scraper
8.1 Understanding Web Scraping
8.2 Creating a Basic Web Scraper
8.3 Improving Your Web Scraper
8.4 Project: Web Scraping for Data Collection
Section 9: Script 7 - WiFi SSID Sniffer
9.1 Introduction to WiFi Sniffing
9.2 Building a WiFi SSID Sniffer
9.3 Enhancing Your WiFi SSID Sniffer
9.4 Project: Securing Against WiFi Sniffing
Section 10: Script 8 - Phishing Page Creator
10.1 Understanding Phishing
10.2 Developing a Phishing Page Creator
10.3 Enhancing Your Phishing Page Creator
10.4 Project: Phishing Page Detection
Section 11: Script 9 - Brute Force Password Cracker
11.1 Understanding Brute Force Attacks
11.2 Creating a Brute Force Password Cracker
11.3 Improving Your Password Cracker
11.4 Project: Creating a Brute Force Defense
Section 12: Script 10 - Network Vulnerability Scanner
12.1 Understanding Network Vulnerabilities
12.2 Building a Network Vulnerability Scanner
12.3 Enhancing Your Vulnerability Scanner
12.4 Project: Scanning and Securing a Network
Section 13: Wrap-up and Next Steps
13.1 Review and Recap
13.2 Ethical Considerations
13.3 Future Learning Pathways
13.4 Final Project: Building a Multi-functional Ethical Hacking Tool
Section 2: Python Basics for Hacking
2.2 Working with Python Libraries
One of the fantastic things about Python is its extensive selection of libraries. Libraries are collections of pre-written code that you can use to save time and effort. Think of them as a toolbox full of ready-to-use tools. In this section, we're going to see how we can use Python libraries in our scripts.
Installing a Python Library
To use a Python library, we first need to install it. Python uses a package manager called pip for this. Let's install a popular library used for making HTTP requests, called requests.
Open the terminal in Visual Studio Code by clicking on 'Terminal' in the top menu and then 'New Terminal'.
In the terminal, type pip install requests and press enter. This command tells pip to download and install the requests library.
Using a Python Library
Once a library is installed, you can use it in your Python scripts. Let's use the requests library to make a simple HTTP GET request.
Create a new file in Visual Studio Code and name it http_request.py.
Type the following into the file:
Copy code
import requests
response = requests.get('https://www.python.org')
Save the file and run it. You should see 200 printed in the terminal, which is the HTTP status code for "OK".
In the script above, import requests tell Python to load the requests library. We then use requests. get() to send an HTTP GET request to https://www.python.org. The server's response is stored in the response variable. Finally, we print response.status_code to display the HTTP status code of the response.
Python has libraries for almost everything you can imagine, from web development to data analysis to machine learning and, yes, even hacking! Libraries can make your Python scripts more powerful and versatile, so they're an essential tool in your Python toolbox.