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Writing Meeting Summaries That Impress

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This prompt asks you to review meeting notes and summarize the decisions made and the next steps outlined. By doing so, you will be able to understand the key takeaways from the meeting and what needs to happen next. The prompt encourages you to engage with the meeting notes and extract the most important information, which can help you and others stay on track and follow through on the decisions made during the meeting.
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Over 1 month ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
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75 ($0.00010 / call)
Example input
[copy and paste notes]: Meeting Notes
Example output
The ABC Elementary PTO February 2014 General Meeting Minutes began with the meeting being called to order by President Shirley Reed at 7:05 p.m. The minutes of the previous meeting held on January 7, 2014, were read and accepted. There were 19 members present at the meeting, and a quorum was reached. President Shirley Reed reported that the recent Bingo Night was a huge success, and the committee was thanked for their hard work. Linda Jameson was thanked for creating a five-page outline to help answer common questions for parents who are new to the district, and a goal was set to have a booklet available for the fall. The PTO may include this in next year's budget. The cafeteria staff was also acknowledged for their hard work, and the cafeteria was the only one in the district that had a zero violation report. The spring Art Smart project featuring Milwaukee artist Hugh Lawrence was discussed, and a motion was made to allocate $200 from the fundraising surplus to pay him a stipend. The motion was seconded and accepted. The students will also participate in a penny drive to support a major project of Mr. Lawrence's. Treasurer Pam Brockton presented the Treasurer's report, which was read, accepted, and amended. Assemblies were discussed during the meeting. The Pizza Kit Committee reported that they need a co-chair for the Pizza Kit Sale. The co-chair does not have to be a 5th grade volunteer. Sarah Schott's contact information was provided for those interested in volunteering. The Fiesta Spring Carnival Committee reported that there is a need for volunteers for the Fiesta. Tracy Klein and Cathy Allen's contact information was provided for those interested in volunteering. In summary, the meeting covered a range of topics such as successful events, plans for future projects, and a need for volunteers. The PTO also discussed and approved a motion to allocate funds to pay a stipend to an artist. However, there were no discussions or decisions made about any major changes or policies affecting the school or the PTO itself.
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