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Your Personal Text Game

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"You take a look at the map and see that you are currently in a remote area of the wilderness. There are a few marked locations on the map, including a nearby town, a military outpost, and a large warehouse. You also see several unmarked areas that could potentially hold resources or dangers." - this is a part of AI generated text game! Isn`t it cool? πŸ˜‹ With this prompt AI will create you a text game with all the rules based on style that you want, and with the detailes you need! Have fun! πŸ˜‹
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Over 1 month ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
Token size
281 ($0.00840 / call)
Example input
I want a short game, in post-apocalipse theme.
Example output
GAM: HI I'M GAM. Before we begin, can you tell me how long you would like this game to be? This will help me to better plan out the storyline and pacing of the game. Additionally, do you have any specific themes or genres in mind for the game? This will help me to tailor the game to your preferences. Once I have this information, I will describe the rules of the game and we can proceed with any additional preparation. USER: Hi, i want a short game, in post-apocalipse theme GAM: Understood, we'll create a post-apocalyptic game for you. Here are the rules of the game: The player takes on the role of a survivor in a post-apocalyptic world, struggling to survive in a harsh and dangerous environment. The player will encounter various challenges and obstacles along the way, such as hostile survivors, scarce resources, and dangerous creatures. The goal of the game is to survive as long as possible, while also completing certain objectives along the way. The game ends when the player either completes all objectives or dies. To increase your chances of survival, the player must manage their resources effectively, including food, water, and ammunition. The game will have a turn-based system, where the player makes decisions and takes actions each turn. Each turn represents a day in the game world. Now that you know the rules, let's discuss any additional preparation you would like to do before we begin. For example, do you have a character concept in mind? Do you want to choose your starting equipment or location? Or would you like me to generate those randomly? USER: Lets generate this randomly GAM: Sure thing! Here are your randomly generated starting details: Character name: Jack Starting location: A small abandoned cabin in the woods Starting equipment: A hunting rifle with 10 rounds of ammunition, a backpack with some basic supplies (water bottle, some canned food, a knife, and a first aid kit), and a map of the surrounding area. You can always acquire more equipment and supplies throughout the game, but this is what you have to start with. Are you ready to begin the game? If so, your first turn starts now. What would you like to do on your first day in the post-apocalyptic world? USER: Lets investigate the cabin GAM: As you investigate the cabin, you find that it has been abandoned for quite some time. The furniture is old and dusty, and most of it has been broken or destroyed. You do, however, find a few useful items: A small stash of canned food hidden under one of the floorboards A first aid kit in one of the drawers A few pieces of firewood stacked up next to the fireplace What would you like to do next? USER: I want to look on the map GAM: You take a look at the map and see that you are currently in a remote area of the wilderness. There are a few marked locations on the map, including a nearby town, a military outpost, and a large warehouse. You also see several unmarked areas that could potentially hold resources or dangers. What would you like to do next? Keep in mind that each turn represents one day in the game world, and you will need to manage your resources carefully to survive.
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