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🎬 Need the perfect script for your YouTube video? 📝 With our prompt, just insert your [type of video] & [topic], and get a tailored script optimized for the YT algorithm. 📈 Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to trending content! 🚀💡 #ScriptSaver #YouTubeStar 🌟
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8 months ago

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Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
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24 ($0.00070 / call)
Example input
[type of video]: tutorial, [topic]: gardening tips.
Example output
Gardening Tips for Beginners: Grow a Flourishing Garden | YouTube Tutorial [Opening Scene] Close-up shots of a blooming garden, showing a variety of vibrant flowers, green leaves, fresh veggies, and buzzing pollinators. Narrator (voice-over): "There’s nothing quite like the magic of seeing a garden grow. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just getting started, today we've got some game-changing gardening tips just for you." [Scene Transition] A graphic transition slides in with the title “Gardening Tips for Beginners.” 1. Understand Your Garden's Climate [Visuals] Close-ups of hands checking the soil, visuals of different gardening zones on a map, and temperature indicators. Narrator: "Your garden’s climate is the foundation of your gardening journey. Know your hardiness zone, and choose plants that thrive in your specific region." 2. Test Your Soil [Visuals] Hand squeezing soil, showing sandy, clay, and loamy textures. A DIY pH test kit and commercial soil test kit in use. Narrator: "Understand your soil type. Whether it’s sandy, clayey, or loamy, each type has its own needs. A pH test can also guide you on which plants will thrive and what amendments you might need." 3. Proper Plant Placement [Visuals] A sunny garden area versus a shaded area. Plants like sunflowers in full sun, ferns in the shade. Narrator: "Some plants adore the sun, while others thrive in the shade. Always read plant labels or research their sun requirements." 4. Watering Wisdom [Visuals] A hand watering plants in the morning, a drip irrigation system, close-ups of wilting plants, and a soil moisture meter. Narrator: "Overwatering is a common beginner’s mistake. It’s best to water deeply and less frequently. Early morning is ideal, as it reduces evaporation and fungal diseases." 5. Mulch Matters [Visuals] Hands spreading mulch around plants, close-ups of organic mulch like bark, straw, and leaves. Narrator: "Mulch helps retain soil moisture, regulate temperature, and deter weeds. Organic mulches even enrich the soil as they break down." 6. Companion Planting [Visuals] Tomatoes paired with basil, marigolds near vegetable patches, visuals of pests like aphids moving away. Narrator: "Certain plants, when grown together, can boost growth and deter pests. For example, planting basil with tomatoes can ward off pests and enhance flavor." 7. Regular Maintenance [Visuals] Pruning shears trimming dead branches, hands pulling out weeds, a gardener inspecting plant leaves. Narrator: "A bit of daily or weekly attention can prevent larger problems later. Regularly check for pests, weeds, and dead or diseased foliage." 8. Be Patient & Learn from Mistakes [Visuals] A wilted plant next to a flourishing one, a gardener journal with notes and sketches. Narrator: "Gardening is a journey. Mistakes will happen, but they’re the best teachers. Keep a journal, note what works and what doesn’t, and continue to learn." [Closing Scene] The camera pans across a thriving garden at sunset, showcasing the fruits of the gardener’s labor. Narrator: "Nature is incredible, and with a little knowledge and care, you can create your own garden oasis. Happy gardening!" [End Screen] Visuals of previous gardening videos, a subscribe button, and social media links. Narrator: "If you found these tips helpful, give this video a thumbs up, subscribe for more gardening wisdom, and share your own tips in the comments below!" End of tutorial.
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