Example input
INPUT: "It is better to describe what you want instead of what you don't want. If you ask for a party with "no cake," your image will probably include a cake. If you want to ensure an object is not in the final image, try using advanced prompting with the --no parameter."
Example output
Ⅰτ ιƨ bτr 2 ∂єƨcrib wh@ υ ω@n+ ιnˢτεa∂ 0f whaτ υ ∂0n'† ω@nτ. 1f υ @ƨk 4 a ₽αr+у ωì7 "n0 ¢@kε," υr im@g3 ωill ₽r0b@b1¥ iηclu∂e a ¢@kε. 1f υ ω@πt 2 3nƨure aη 0bjε©τ iƨ n0t iη τh3 ÷ìη4l img, τry a∂vaη©ε ∂r0мpτ!ng uƨ!ng τh3 --n0 ρ@®am3t3r.