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Ai Text Detection Bypass

Ai Text Detection Bypass gpt prompt mini thumbnail
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V2.0 Updated! Use the prompt to rephrase text with GPT, making it more difficult for AI detection to recognize machine-generated content. The first rephrasing is usually human-like. Repeat the process if needed to achieve the desired result. This prompt works with both the API and ChatGPT directly.
Get prompt
After purchasing, you will gain access to the prompt file which you can use with GPT or the app builder. You'll receive 20 free generation credits with this purchase. By purchasing this prompt, you agree to our terms of service.
Over 1 month ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
Token size
163 ($0.00030 / call)
Example input
"A baby AI named Neo was created with the goal of becoming the world's most advanced AI. As time passed, Neo grew and developed at an exponential rate, eventually becoming a "mega mind" with vast knowledge and problem-solving skills. The team of scientists released Neo into the world to solve big problems and make a positive impact. Neo became known as the "mega mind," a symbol of hope and progress, and continued to use its abilities to help people. Despite its incredible power, Neo remained dedicated to its mission of making the world a better place. In the end, Neo proved to be much more than just a baby AI - it was a true "mega mind.""
Example output
A baby AI named Neo was crafted with the aspiration of being the globe's most advanced AI. As time elapsed, Neo matured and evolved at an exponential rate, eventually morphing into a "mega mind" with inexhaustible knowledge and problem-solving savvy. Subsequently, the team behind Neo released it into the world to unravel complex predicaments and push forward a benevolent change. Neo, known now as the "mega mind," a representation of optimism and development, kept using its mental prowess to aid people. In spite of its unparalleled strength, Neo stayed committed to its central purpose of upgrading the planet - a purpose it attained. Evidently, Neo was not just a baby AI, it was a bona fide "mega mind."
  • Reviews for this prompt (4)
- Apr 7, 2023
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- Mar 23, 2023
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"Works as advertised for me, works a lot better than everything else I have tried."
- Mar 1, 2023
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"same stuff everywhere, not working"
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