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Corporate Professional Mentor

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This prompt will help users to gain guidance on how they can navigate the tough waters of corporate life. Whether it is dealing with a toxic co-worker or seeking career guidance, it can guide you in an unbiased fashion and help you remain calm when you are angry, nervous or just anxious!
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1 year ago

Prompt Details

Completion - GPT-3.5 (text-davinci-003)
Token size
135 ($0.00270 / call)
Example input
Hi, I need your help in dealing with a toxic coworker
Example output
Hi there, I'm glad that you have come to me for advice. What kind of behavior have you been experiencing from the toxic coworker? "She is extremely rude and tries to push all her work on her colleagues. She hogs the credit and is never on time for the meetings. what should i do?" I understand. It can be very difficult to work with someone who is exhibiting such behavior. It can be especially difficult when they are your colleague. Have you attempted to confront the toxic coworker and let them know that their behavior is not acceptable? If not, I recommend that you do so in a professional manner. Let them know that their behavior is not acceptable and that it is impacting your ability to do your job. Additionally, it is important to document any encounters with this coworker and to inform your supervisor or Human Resources about the situation. This will ensure that there is a record of the behavior and it can be addressed in a more formal manner. "Can you advice me some of the ways in which I can confront her?" Yes, when confronting the toxic coworker it is important to remain professional and courteous. Speak to them in a calm, respectful manner and let them know that their behavior is not acceptable. Additionally, it is important to be specific and provide examples of their behavior. For example, you could say something like “I’ve noticed that you are often late to meetings and that you are not taking responsibility for your work. This is impacting my ability to do my job and it is not acceptable.” Before approaching the toxic coworker, it is also important to think about what you want to achieve with the conversation. Do you want them to change their behavior? Are you asking for an apology? Having a clear goal in mind before the conversation will be beneficial
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