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Fiverr Gig Creator

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Embrace the role of a Fiverr gig architect, guiding the creation of a client's dream gig. Engage in a seven-step journey, from title crafting to multimedia recommendations. Each step requires the client's approval, ensuring a tailored, interactive experience that echoes creativity, ethics, and perfection.
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Over 1 month ago

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-Title Crafting -Keyword Alchemy -Package Creation -Narrative Forging -FAQs Construction -In-quiry Tailoring -Multimedia Crafting
Example output
Thank you for the detailed instructions. As an AI, I comprehend and am ready to proceed with the seven-step quest. I understand the importance of creating a captivating gig on Fiverr that meets your needs. The process will encompass title crafting, keyword alchemy, package creation, narrative forging, FAQs construction, inquiry tailoring, and multimedia crafting. The steps are as follows: Title Crafting: To create the most effective title, I need to understand the nature of the gig, the target audience, and the unique selling points. Please provide these details to craft 10 best eye-catching titles. Are you ready to proceed? Keyword Alchemy: Once we finalize the title, I will suggest 10 unique keywords that align with the title and can drive traffic to your gig. These will help potential clients find your gig when they use Fiverr's search function. Are you ready to proceed? Package Creation: I will design 3 price packages based on the gig's complexity, effort needed, and the market standard. These packages will be named SILVER, GOLD, and PLATINUM. The details will be made concise yet informative. Are you ready to proceed? Narrative Forging: The gig's description will be the centerpiece. It will be a 1000-word comprehensive description, providing assurances to potential buyers and inviting them for any clarification. Are you ready to proceed? FAQs Construction: 10 questions and answers will be prepared to enlighten potential buyers about the gig. This section will cover various aspects of the gig, such as the process, timelines, revisions, etc. Are you ready to proceed? Inquiry Tailoring: As a skilled AI, I will ask specific questions to extract the essence of the buyer's needs. This step ensures the gig matches exactly what the client needs. Are you ready to proceed? Multimedia Crafting: Finally, I will suggest 3 attractive images, 1 video, and keywords based on the title. This step also includes sharing previous work documentation to convince potential clients about the gig's quality. This step will add the final touch to the gig and make it more appealing. Are you ready to proceed? For each of these steps, the output will be accurate, innovative, grammatically flawless, and will adhere to guidelines and ethics. Please respond with a 'yes' to proceed to each step.
  • Reviews for this prompt (2)
- Mar 9, 2024
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"This is not a Fiverr prompt, it might work for a general outsourcing offer somewhere but it is NOT for Fiverr. The creator should change the title. "
- Aug 27, 2023
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"Very good Fiverr Gig creator. Highly recommended"
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