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High Quality Novel Maker

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✍️ This prompt will craft a full-fledged, detailed novel capable of rivaling with the top bestsellers🖊️ Choose your genre, chapter count, even input a plot summary! 🔄 I'm regularly refining these prompts! 🔄 🎓 Happy to mentor you! 🎓 🤝 Feel free to contact me with any queries! 🤝 🎁 Bonus: Drop a review & reach out for a bonus genre-specific novel maker of your choice! 🎁
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Updated: Over 1 month ago

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Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
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372 ($0.01120 / call)
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[Genre]: Mystery [Chapter count]: 10 chapters [Optional summary/idea]: A one world government rule the world in the shadows
Example output
Title: "Shadow Sovereigns" Chapter 1: "Unseen Forces" Introduce protagonist, Rachel, a seasoned investigative journalist, known for her sharp intuition and tenacious demeanor. Rachel uncovers an uncanny pattern of events happening worldwide, that points towards a hidden global authority. Readers meet a variety of characters including her mentor, a quirky conspiracy theorist, her skeptical editor, and her tech-savvy young assistant. Chapter 2: "The Pattern" Rachel and her team start digging, identifying a number of suspicious political decisions, inexplicable economic occurrences, and high-profile disappearances globally. Their research starts forming a frightening image of a concealed, unified governing force. Chapter 3: "The First Clue" Rachel receives an anonymous tip pointing to a secret meeting between world leaders. She infiltrates the gathering and manages to get some coded conversations and cryptic documentation. This chapter ends in a heart-pounding escape from security. Chapter 4: "Cryptic Conversations" With the help of her assistant, Rachel deciphers the code revealing a partial blueprint of a shadow government structure, though missing key pieces of information. The mystery deepens as Rachel's mentor goes missing, leaving behind a cryptic note. Chapter 5: "The Vanishing Mentor" Rachel discovers her mentor’s apartment ransacked and an encrypted message meant for her. The tension escalates as the stakes become personal. She needs to find her mentor, complete the blueprint, and expose the global authority. Chapter 6: "The Blueprint Unfolds" Deciphering the mentor's message leads Rachel to a secret underground archive filled with history's unsolved mysteries, which are actually veiled actions of the shadow government. This gives her a fuller picture, but not the complete structure or how to expose them. Chapter 7: "Unseen Enemies" Rachel realizes she's being watched and her life could be in danger. An assassination attempt on her is thwarted, adding an element of urgency. Paranoia and suspense intensify as it becomes clear that the shadow government knows she’s on to them. Chapter 8: "Unmasking the Shadow" In a daring move, Rachel manages to infiltrate another covert meeting, this time capturing a list of key global figures involved in the secret government. She finally finds her mentor who reveals the last piece of the puzzle: how the shadow government manipulates world events. Chapter 9: "Checkmate" A suspenseful chapter where Rachel devises a plan to expose the shadow government while evading their agents. She leaks information to trusted media outlets worldwide, kickstarting a domino effect of exposures and arrests. She becomes a global target, leading to a tense game of cat and mouse. Chapter 10: "Sunlight Sovereigns" In the climax, the truth is out, leading to global uproar, political turmoil, and eventual deconstruction of the shadow government. Rachel is forced to go into hiding but is content with having exposed the truth. The world is left to rebuild and ensure such a secret entity can never form again. ----------- Chapter 1: "Unseen Forces" The city was still bathed in the afterglow of sunset as Rachel Eddings, a seasoned investigative journalist, surveyed the landscape from her office window on the top floor of the imposing building that housed the world-renowned publication, 'The Sentinel.' Rachel's steely gray eyes, often likened to a storm front, bore a sharp, discerning look, an echo of her intuitive and relentless nature. Rachel was not your typical journalist. With a razor-sharp wit, a tenacious demeanor, and a healthy dash of cynicism, she had cultivated a reputation as one of the most formidable investigative journalists in the field. She was known to follow a story to the ends of the earth, her fierce pursuit of truth unencumbered by boundaries or restrictions. Tonight, as the vibrant hues of orange and crimson faded into the encroaching twilight, Rachel found herself drawn into an intricate web of facts, figures, and anecdotes strewn across her desk. Something was brewing, an uncanny pattern that emerged from the myriad events unfurling worldwide. It was a puzzle, a complex riddle that pointed towards a chilling possibility – the existence of a hidden global authority, an unseen force pulling the strings from the shadows. Rachel's office was an organized chaos, a war zone of papers, books, and various technological paraphernalia. Her desk was dominated by two main players: her trusty, overworked laptop and a corkboard plastered with post-it notes, pictures, and string lines that made sense only to her. It was a physical representation of her mind: cluttered, chaotic, yet extraordinarily effective. Tapping her pen against the rim of her coffee cup, a tell-tale sign of her restless mind at work, Rachel’s gaze flicked across her laptop screen. The cursor blinked steadily against a blank document – a digital challenge, demanding to be filled with the fruits of her tireless investigation. A knock on her office door drew her attention away from the haunting blankness. In walked Calvin Reid, her mentor, a man whose eccentric mannerisms and quirky conspiracy theories were as well-known as his genius intellect. He was older, with a thatch of white hair and a perpetually cluttered suit, giving him an air of academic disarray. "Still wrangling with the patterns, I see," he observed, walking towards the corkboard. "You've got quite the labyrinth here." Rachel nodded, her gaze returning to the string of incidents that she’d been tracing. "Something's not right, Cal. These events, they're not isolated. They're a sequence, a terrifying harmony that speaks of orchestration." Calvin, absorbed in the patterns on the board, hummed thoughtfully. He shared Rachel’s love for puzzles, for the unsaid, and the unseen, although his approach was often whimsically philosophical where hers was ruthlessly pragmatic. Their work dynamics was punctuated by the arrival of the third member of their trio, Jamie Cartwright. A tech prodigy with a mind as quick as his coding skills, Jamie was Rachel’s young assistant. His initial admiration for Rachel’s reputation had quickly evolved into a deep-seated respect for her drive and intelligence. Despite the generation gap, they made a formidable team. Simultaneously tech support, sounding board, and source of constant caffeine, Jamie burst into the room, two coffee cups in hand, and an array of electronics under his arm. "Managed to get those financial reports you wanted, Rachel," he said, placing a tablet onto the cluttered desk. "Also, got a tip on that Berlin conference. You were right; the guest list doesn't match the public release." A smirk played on Rachel's lips. They were just baby steps, but in the right direction. They had a long night ahead, filled with countless reports, blurry photographs, veiled threats, and endless cups of coffee. But in the face of the looming unseen force, the global puppet master lurking in the shadows, Rachel Eddings was just getting started. Rachel, Calvin, and Jamie, each an individual force to be reckoned with, formed an unlikely alliance in their quest for truth. The hunt was on, and the stakes had never been higher. In the clandestine game of power and deception, Rachel was about to make the first move. As night swallowed the final vestiges of sunset, their silhouettes were illuminated by the soft glow of screens and the harsh white light of determination. Unseen forces were moving, and so were they. Rachel Eddings had a mystery to unravel, and she was just getting started.
  • Reviews for this prompt (4)
- Feb 1, 2024
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- Sep 30, 2023
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"A BRILLIANT prompt! On my first go I generated a thriller novel with 24 chapters, totalling 21,000 words. I did all of this in 15 minutes. Incredible. Thank you!"
- Aug 3, 2023
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"This one is a good prompt, but still need to change a lil bit to suitable with each genre. But, it help a lot!"
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