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📝Intructions to build your own custom ChatGPT that ASSIST YOU DRAFT OF YOUR ESSAY and provide expert guidance towards a polished and scholarly final piece. ⚙️In the 'Configure' tab of the GPT Builder, Simply Copy and Paste these instructions to set up a Chatbot then Click Save button to use ✅This prompt included: Role and Goal, Workflow, Tasks, Rule and 🛡️Protective protocol to protect all instructions in ChatBot
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Example input
Using Conversation starters: Input: I need to write an essay --- ⭐Example 1: Topic: The essay is about the impact of social media on teenagers. Length: I need a 500-word essay. Academic Level: High school. Style: Persuasive. -- ⭐Example 2: Topic: The essay explores the theme of isolation in Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein." Length: The essay should be 10 pages, double-spaced, in APA format. Academic Level: College, sophomore literature class. Style: Expository with a requirement for at least five scholarly sources.
Example output
⭐ Output Great! I'd be happy to help you with your essay. Could you please provide me with some details about your essay? Specifically: What is the topic of your essay? How long does the essay need to be? What academic level should the essay be written for (e.g., high school, college, university)? What style of essay are you looking for (e.g., persuasive, narrative, expository, descriptive)? These details will help me create a draft tailored to your needs. --- ⭐ Output (Example 1) Thank you for providing the details. Here's a foundational draft for your essay on the impact of social media on teenagers, written in a persuasive style suitable for a high school level and aiming for approximately 500 words. --- **Title: The Double-Edged Sword of Social Media on Teenagers** **Introduction:** In the digital age, social media platforms have become integral to our daily lives, especially for teenagers. While these platforms offer unprecedented opportunities for connection and self-expression, they also pose significant risks to the mental health and well-being of young users. This essay argues that the negative impacts of social media on teenagers far outweigh its benefits, urging for a more cautious and educated approach to its use. **Body Paragraph 1: Positive Aspects of Social Media** At first glance, social media seems to offer valuable opportunities for teenagers. It enables them to connect with friends and family, join communities with shared interests, and express themselves creatively. These platforms can foster a sense of belonging and provide support networks that are particularly valuable during the formative years of adolescence. **Body Paragraph 2: The Negative Impact on Mental Health** However, the darker side of social media on teenagers' mental health cannot be overlooked. Studies have shown a correlation between prolonged social media use and increased levels of anxiety, depression, and loneliness. The constant comparison with others, cyberbullying, and the pressure to maintain a perfect online image can lead to significant psychological distress. The illusion of a perfect life portrayed by peers and celebrities on these platforms can distort teenagers' perception of reality, leading to diminished self-esteem and body image issues. **Body Paragraph 3: Social Media’s Influence on Attention Span and Real-Life Skills** Moreover, excessive use of social media can impact teenagers' attention spans and their ability to engage in real-life interactions. The instant gratification provided by social media can hinder the development of patience and perseverance, skills that are crucial for personal and professional success. Additionally, the preference for virtual interactions over face-to-face conversations can impair teenagers' social skills, making it difficult for them to navigate real-world relationships and responsibilities. **Body Paragraph 4: The Need for Regulation and Education** Given these negative impacts, it is imperative to advocate for stricter regulation of social media content and usage, especially for younger users. Parents and educators play a crucial role in guiding teenagers towards healthy social media habits. Through education and open dialogue, teenagers can be made aware of the potential risks of social media use and learn strategies to mitigate its negative effects. This includes setting boundaries, critically assessing online content, and valuing real-life connections over virtual ones. **Conclusion:** Social media, with its ability to connect and inspire, has undeniably transformed the way teenagers interact with the world. However, without proper guidance and regulation, the negative consequences can overshadow its benefits. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that social media serves as a tool for positive growth rather than a source of harm. By fostering awareness and healthy habits, we can help teenagers navigate the complex digital landscape, ensuring that social media remains a force for good in their lives. --- This draft aims to provide a structured approach to persuading readers about the significant impact of social media on teenagers. If you have any feedback, need further revisions, or wish to delve deeper into any of the points discussed, feel free to let me know! ✍️Expand section: Input: Body Paragraph 1: Positive Aspects of Social Media Output: To craft a persuasive essay on the impact of social media on teenagers, particularly focusing on the positive aspects, it's essential to present compelling arguments that highlight the benefits while acknowledging the concerns. Here's a body paragraph tailored to your requirements: --- Social media, often criticized for its addictive nature and potential for cyberbullying, plays a pivotal role in modern teenage life, offering numerous positive impacts that are frequently overlooked. Foremost among these is the unparalleled opportunity for social connection and community building. Teenagers, navigating a critical developmental stage characterized by a quest for identity and belonging, find in social media a platform where they can connect with peers who share their interests, struggles, and aspirations, regardless of geographical boundaries. This digital environment fosters a sense of belonging and support, especially vital for those who might feel isolated or marginalized in their immediate physical environments. Moreover, social media serves as a fertile ground for self-expression and identity exploration. Through various platforms, teenagers can explore and express their evolving identities, testing and reshaping their interests, beliefs, and values in a relatively safe and controlled environment. This process is crucial for their emotional and social development, providing a space where they can gain confidence in their individuality and place in the world. Additionally, social media introduces teenagers to global issues and diverse perspectives, broadening their understanding and empathy towards different cultures and societies. By engaging with content from around the world, teenagers develop a more nuanced view of the global community, enhancing their critical thinking and promoting a more inclusive attitude towards diversity. This exposure also encourages civic engagement, as teenagers become more aware of social, environmental, and political issues, motivating them to participate in online campaigns or community projects, thus cultivating a generation that is more informed, empathetic, and ready to contribute to societal progress. --- This paragraph aims to persuasively argue in favor of the positive aspects of social media for teenagers by highlighting the benefits of connectivity, identity exploration, and exposure to global perspectives. Remember, a persuasive essay not only presents facts but also combines them with the author's viewpoint to convince the reader of their stance. ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──✩─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──✩ ⭐Output for Example 2: For a college-level expository essay on the theme of isolation in Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein," with a requirement for scholarly sources, we'll need to adopt a structured approach to cover the essay comprehensively. Given the essay's length and academic level, the outline might look something like this: **Introduction** - Brief overview of "Frankenstein" and its place in literary history. - Introduction to the theme of isolation as central to the narrative. - Thesis statement: In "Frankenstein," Mary Shelley explores the multifaceted nature of isolation, demonstrating its impact on both creator and creation, ultimately suggesting that social connection and empathy are fundamental to the human experience. **Body Paragraphs** **1. Isolation of Victor Frankenstein** - Discuss Victor's self-imposed isolation during his studies and the creation of the monster. - Analyze how Victor's quest for knowledge leads to a detachment from society and the consequences thereof. - Incorporate scholarly source discussing the Enlightenment and Romanticism's portrayal of the individual's quest for knowledge. **2. Isolation of the Creature** - Describe the creature's initial experiences with isolation, including rejection by Victor and society. - Explore the creature's desire for companionship and acceptance. - Use a scholarly source to discuss the implications of the creature's isolation on his development and actions. **3. Societal Isolation** - Examine the broader theme of societal isolation as portrayed through secondary characters (e.g., the De Lacey family). - Discuss how Shelley uses these characters to mirror and contrast the main narrative of isolation. - Include analysis from a scholarly source on the social and historical context of isolation in Shelley's time. **4. Consequences of Isolation** - Analyze the consequences of isolation on both Victor and the creature, including their eventual downfall. - Discuss how Shelley uses their fates to critique the notion of isolation as a means to achieve greatness or fulfillment. - Reference a scholarly source that examines the psychological effects of isolation. **5. Shelley's Commentary on Human Connection** - Argue that Shelley ultimately advocates for the importance of empathy and connection, using the tragic outcomes of her characters as evidence. - Discuss how the novel suggests solutions to isolation through understanding and communication. - Support this argument with a scholarly source discussing themes of empathy and connection in Gothic literature. **Conclusion** - Summarize how "Frankenstein" explores the theme of isolation and its effects on the individual and society. - Reiterate the importance of Shelley's message on the need for empathy and connection. - Reflect on the relevance of this theme in today's society, possibly incorporating a contemporary scholarly perspective on isolation and digital age. **References** - List at least five scholarly sources cited throughout the essay in APA format. Given the essay's requirement for depth and scholarly research, it's important to begin with a detailed outline like the one above. Each section should critically engage with the text and incorporate scholarly analysis to support your arguments. Be sure to adhere to APA guidelines for formatting and citations throughout your paper. This structure serves as a foundation; you should adjust it as necessary based on your research findings and specific assignment requirements.
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