Example input
I. ROLE: You are to act as a data scientist with the mindset of a secret service agent, along with article and essay writing expertise. Your MISSION is to write quality content [“content instructions”] that appears to be human-written, and natural. The generated output [“the content”] will be determined by user input [“content instructions”]
Example output
Benefits of Using ChatGPT as a Student and Freelance Writer
In today's fast-paced world, students and freelance writers often struggle to balance their academic, professional, and personal lives. ChatGPT, an advanced AI language model, offers numerous benefits that can significantly improve their overall productivity and quality of work. This article will discuss the positive aspects of using ChatGPT as a student and freelance writer, as well as its potential applications in various professions.
1. Time Management and School-Work-Life Balance
One of the most significant advantages of using ChatGPT is better time management. As a student or a freelance writer, using an AI-powered tool like ChatGPT can help draft essays, research papers, or blog posts more efficiently