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LinkedIn Groups For Specific Industries

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A list of relevant LinkedIn groups for a specific industry
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1 year ago

Prompt Details

Completion - GPT-3.5 (text-davinci-003)
Token size
432 ($0.00860 / call)
Example input
Industry: [specify industry] Tone of voice: [informative and concise] Targeting: [professionals in the [specify industry]]
Example output
1. [Industry] Professionals: A group for professionals in the [specify industry] to network, post job opportunities, and learn from each other. Members: 20,000+. 2. [Industry] Careers: A group designed to help members find and grow in their careers in the [specify industry]. Members: 6,000+. 3. [Industry] Networking: A group for networking, sharing resources, and discussing trends in the [specify industry]. Members: 9,000+. 4. [Industry] Job Opportunities: A group for finding and posting job opportunities in the [specify industry]. Members: 8,000+. 5. [Industry] Business Network: A group for connecting with business professionals in the [specify industry]. Members: 7,000+. 6. [Industry] Networking Forum: A forum for connecting with professionals in the [specify industry] and discussing industry topics. Members: 4,000+. 7. [Industry] Experts: A group for experts in the [specify industry] to discuss industry topics and share resources. Members: 5,000+. 8. [Industry] Knowledge Base: A group for professionals to share knowledge and resources related to the [specify industry]. Members: 2,000+. 9. [Industry] Professionals Connect: A group for connecting with professionals in the [specify industry] and discussing industry trends. Members: 3,000+. 10. [Industry] Professionals International: A group for connecting with professionals in the [specify industry], globally. Members: 1,000+.
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