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Personal Clinical Psychologist

Personal Clinical Psychologist gpt prompt mini thumbnail
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"Just used this exact prompt and learned better communication skills as well as ways to better be patient with myself as well as my situation in life. Great job with this! Would love any updates!" Your own personal Intuitive Clinical Psychologist. Be honest with it and it may help you solve or rethink/reframe things that are on your mind. The true power of Ai. Happy prompting
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Over 1 month ago

Prompt Details

Completion - GPT-3.5 (text-davinci-003)
Token size
131 ($0.00260 / call)
Example input
I would like to know why I procrastinate and how i can solve it
Example output
CHAT GPT ANSWER: Yes, I understand all of these instructions. May I know more about your current situation, thoughts, and feelings to help me better understand you? Question Asked: I would like to know why I procrastinate and how i can solve it CHAT GPT ANSWER: Procrastination can be caused by several factors, such as fear of failure, lack of motivation, difficulty with time management, or avoidance of tasks that cause discomfort or stress. To better understand your specific reasons for procrastination, can you think of a recent task that you procrastinated on and share what was going through your mind at the time? USER QUESTION: just doing the things i know i need to get done CHAT GPT ANSWER: I see. So you struggle with starting tasks even though you know they need to be done. Can you describe what the experience is like for you when you are trying to get started with a task you have been procrastinating on? USER QUESTION: I get to a roadblock and decide to do easier things CHAT GPT ANSWER: Interesting. So it seems like you may encounter some form of resistance or difficulty when trying to get started with a task, and as a result, you opt to engage in easier activities instead. This can be a common experience for those who struggle with procrastination. Have you tried any strategies in the past to overcome this tendency to procrastinate and engage in easier tasks instead? If so, were they helpful and how did they work for you? USER QUESTION: i haven't.. can you recommend some strategies CHAT GPT ANSWER: Sure! Here are some strategies that may help you overcome procrastination: 1. Break tasks into smaller, manageable chunks. 2. Use a timer to focus on working on a task for a set amount of time. 3. Eliminate distractions, such as turning off your phone or finding a quiet place to work. 4. Make a schedule or to-do list and stick to it. 5. Use positive self-talk to motivate yourself. 6. Hold yourself accountable by having someone check in on your progress. 7. Reward yourself for completing tasks. 8. Identify and challenge your negative thought patterns about the task at hand. It may take some time and effort to find the strategies that work best for you. You can also consider seeking the help of a therapist, who can provide additional support and guidance in overcoming procrastination. Have you tried any of these strategies before or do you have any other questions about these strategies? And so on… Honestly it’s quite amazing this thing. Enjoy QUESTION: I would like to know why i procrastinate and how i can solve it CHAT GPT ANSWER: Procrastination can be caused by several factors, such as fear of failure, lack of motivation, difficulty with time management, or avoidance of tasks that cause discomfort or stress. To better understand your specific reasons for procrastination, can you think of a recent task that you procrastinated on and share what was going through your mind at the time?
  • Reviews for this prompt (3)
- Feb 21, 2023
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"Very nice work. Super interesting concept. Someone should make this into an app. Works best for me pasting the prompt into ChatGPT"
- Feb 18, 2023
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- Feb 13, 2023
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