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Personalized Stylist

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👗👔 Discover your perfect style with this Personalized AI Stylist prompt. This tool is perfect for anyone seeking to refine their personal style, whether you're dressing for a special occasion, updating your wardrobe, or just looking for a fresh look. This prompt allows you to generate a personalized style guide based on your body type, personal style preferences, the occasion, and current fashion trends. Let's create a style guide that helps you look and feel your best. 🌟👠
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10 months ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
Token size
106 ($0.00320 / call)
Example input
Body Type: [petite, tall, plus size, athletic, hourglass] Personal Style: [classic, trendy, casual, glamorous, bohemian] Occasion: [a business meeting, a casual outing, a formal event, a date, a weekend getaway] Current Season: [spring, summer, fall, winter]
Example output
Style Guide for Spring 2023 - Classic Business Look for Petite Body Type Petite figures have a smaller frame that typically stands 5'4" or under, but everyone is unique, and these are just general guidelines. This guide is designed to complement your frame and enhance your confidence for that upcoming business meeting. 1. Color Scheme Spring 2023 emphasizes pastel hues and earth tones. For a classic business look, opt for soft colors like beige, taupe, or pale blue. If you prefer darker tones, a classic navy or deep emerald green can also work well. Stick to one or two dominant colors to create a balanced and sophisticated look. 2. Tops Invest in tailored blouses or shirts that fit well on your shoulders and waist. Classic button-downs in pastel colors are a popular choice for spring. Avoid voluminous sleeves or ruffles, as they may overwhelm your petite frame. 3. Bottoms High-waisted trousers or pencil skirts can elongate your silhouette and are a classic choice for business wear. Straight-leg or slightly tapered pants work best for petite figures. If you prefer skirts, ensure they fall just above or at the knee for a professional yet flattering look. 4. Dresses A classic sheath dress can work wonderfully on a petite frame. It's simple, elegant, and timeless. Choose one with a belt or a cinched waist to define your figure. Remember to stick to knee-length dresses to avoid overwhelming your frame. 5. Blazers For outerwear, tailored blazers are a timeless classic. A single-breasted blazer with a well-defined waist will emphasize your figure without overpowering your frame. Avoid double-breasted blazers or those with too many embellishments. 6. Footwear A medium heel or pointed flats can add to your height and provide an elegant touch to your outfit. Nude or tan colors can help elongate your legs and blend seamlessly with your spring palette. Avoid ankle straps as they may visually cut your legs and make them appear shorter. 7. Accessories Accessories are a great way to elevate your classic business look. However, for petite figures, it's best to avoid oversized bags or heavy jewelry that may overwhelm your frame. Opt for smaller, structured handbags and minimalist jewelry instead. 8. Prints and Patterns While solid colors are a classic choice, you can also experiment with prints and patterns. Vertical stripes can visually elongate your figure, while small, delicate prints like florals can add a touch of spring to your outfit. Avoid large, bold patterns, as they can overwhelm your frame. Remember, these are just general guidelines. The most important thing is that you feel confident and comfortable in your outfit. Happy spring styling!
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