- Verified Purchase "The purchased prompt failed to deliver anywhere close to the promised results, falling far short of the showcased examples. I provided feedback about this in a courteous manner, only to receive a response implying that the fault might lie with Midjourny's alterations to the prompt. In response, I suggested the prompt's removal from the marketplace if it was not functioning as intended, yet the seller's reply pointed me towards filing a complaint with Promptbase instead.
It's not about the modest amount of $2.99; it's about the seller's apparent arrogance and dismissive attitude. It's disheartening to encounter such a response, particularly after being a considerate customer and offering constructive feedback. The lack of customer-centric approach and unwillingness to address the issue left me deeply dissatisfied.
The interaction left me wondering about the authenticity of the seller's high ratings and reviews. My intention in bringing this up is not to nitpick, but rather to highlight an unsatisfactory experience and hope for better interactions in the future.
In conclusion, the purchase was underwhelming, and the seller's response was disappointing. I believe in giving honest feedback for growth and improvement. This experience emphasizes the importance of effective communication and customer-focused solutions in any marketplace."