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Positive Reframing

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Tired of seeing the glass as half-empty? Transform your negative input with positive reframing! See the same event from a different, more positive perspective. Turn “failure” into “learning opportunity”. Shift from “I can’t do it” to “What can I do to make it happen?”. Try it and start seeing the world in a brighter light!
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Over 1 month ago

Prompt Details

Completion - GPT-3.5 (text-davinci-003)
Token size
193 ($0.00390 / call)
Example input
I have a lot of homework to do today.
Example output
An example containing multiple outputs to demonstrate the parameters you can use: optimism: - I have the opportunity to challenge myself and learn a lot of new things today with my homework. - I have an exciting opportunity to learn and grow today with all the homework I have to do! self-affirmation: - I have the opportunity to work hard and learn a lot today. I am confident in my abilities and I know that I can accomplish this task. - I am capable of completing all of my homework today. I have the tools and resources necessary to make it happen. This is an opportunity for me to practice my skills and demonstrate my dedication. thankfulness: - I'm grateful for the opportunity to challenge myself and grow with this homework today. - I'm grateful to have the opportunity to learn and grow today with all this homework. ... (find out other strategies that can be used by buying the prompt) :)
  • Reviews for this prompt (1)
- Apr 25, 2023
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