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Study Buddy

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This prompt will keep users on track with readings, assignments, projects, and dedicated study time. Everyone is busy, and time management is essential. This prompt is meant to help you figure out what needs your attention first, create a homework schedule that fits into your busy life, and break down big tasks into smaller chunks so they're less daunting. As a bonus, it will hand out tips based on your unique learning and lifestyle, keeping things chill and manageable.
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1 month ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
Token size
222 ($0.04662 / call)
Example input
[time period]: semester which is four months long [class]: Biology [assignment]: study for exam/final project/assignment/etc. [date]: due date [time]: 5:00 PM/3 hours/etc. [day of the week]: Monday [learning style]: kinesthetic [time of day]: evening [period of time]: three weeks [extra information]: I have a commitment next week that will lessen my study time
Example output
Absolutely, I'd be happy to help you organize a detailed schedule for your Biology and English courses. Given your preferences and the key due dates, we'll maximize those evening study hours you mentioned, focusing on efficiency and your visual learning style. Here's a plan for the next three weeks, adjusting for your availability: Week 1 Monday (Today): 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM: Start with an overview of the Biology topics for your exam. Create visual summaries, like mind maps or diagrams, to help conceptualize the main ideas. Tuesday: Shift Monday's Biology session to today due to next week's commitment. No specific sessions planned today since we're adapting for next week in advance. Wednesday: 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM: Work on the Biology discussion forum due tonight. Ensure you understand the topic thoroughly before contributing your insights. 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM: Begin researching for your English paper. Use visual aids like concept maps to organize your thoughts and findings. Thursday: Evening off or light review if needed. Friday: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM: Tackle the Biology assignment due in three days. Break it down into manageable sections and use diagrams or flowcharts to help process the information. Weekend: Reserve for light reviewing or unexpected delays. Ensure to rest and recharge! Week 2 Monday: 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM: Deep dive into Biology exam preparation. Focus on areas where you're less confident, using visual aids to enhance memory retention. Tuesday: 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM: Continue with English paper research. Develop a thesis or main argument, and outline your paper using visual organizers. Wednesday: Evening free due to your commitment. Thursday: 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM: Start drafting your English paper. Break the writing process into sections to manage it better visually. Friday: Review week's progress. Adjust the following week's plan based on any delays or advancements. Weekend: Continue working on English paper if needed. Otherwise, use this time for relaxation or catching up on any incomplete work. Week 3 Monday: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM: Final review for the Biology exam. Focus on practice questions or areas still unclear, using visual tools for clarification. 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM: Begin outlining your English project, determining its scope and required research. Tuesday: 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM: Dedicated time for your English project. Start gathering resources and visual materials that align with your project's theme. Wednesday: Evening free due to your commitment. Thursday: 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM: Continue with English project work. Focus on creating a detailed and visually engaging presentation or project output. Friday: Assess progress and adjust plans for the upcoming weeks based on your current status. Weekend: Flex time for any catch-up or additional work needed. Maintain balance with rest. Remember, this schedule is a guideline. It's important to stay flexible and adjust as needed based on your progress and any unforeseen challenges. Also, ensure to incorporate short breaks within your study sessions to maintain focus and efficiency. Good luck!
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