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System Design Architecture

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πŸš€ Get the Ultimate System Architecture Solution for your software app! πŸ’» Based on requirements you'll receive the best programming language, detailed API design, optimal database system, secure setup, and hosting recommendations. πŸ”₯ With performance, scalability, security, and ease of use in mind, you'll have all the info you need to make an informed decision. πŸ“ˆ Get well-structured, detailed solutions with diagrams, code snippets, and expert security advice. 🧩 Components with suggested languages and libraries: recommendations for the best programming languages and libraries to use for each component of your application. We even provide example code to help you get started. 🀝 Communication: detailed ASCI diagram illustrates how each component of your application interacts, including information on API structure and technologies. πŸ“ˆ Horizontal and vertical scaling: guidance on how to maximize scalability, ensuring your application can handle increased traffic as your business grows. πŸ”’ Security: best security practices and technologies to protect your application from potential threats. πŸ’Ύ Database: guidance on the best database solutions for your application, ensuring it runs smoothly and efficiently. ☁️ Hosting: choose the best hosting option for your application With our comprehensive system architecture solution, you can rest assured that your application will be efficient, scalable, and secure. Don't settle for less - choose our prompt to create your dream web application today! πŸš€πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»πŸŒ
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Over 1 month ago

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Completion - GPT-3.5 (text-davinci-003)
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"a web application that consists of three main components: a scrapper to gather articles, an AI-powered summarization tool to summarize those articles, and a web app with user login functionality and a subscription payment system to view the summarized articles." python, java
Example output
SummaryAI: System Architecture Design 1. Components with suggested languages and libraries The three main components of the system, the scrapper, the summarization tool, and the web app, each have different requirements and therefore can be implemented using different programming languages and libraries. 1.1 Scrapper The scrapper component is responsible for gathering articles from various sources on the internet. For this component, we can use Python with the BeautifulSoup library, which is a popular and efficient library for web scraping. Example code: python Copy code import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup url = '' response = requests.get(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser') # extract desired information from the page using soup methods 1.2 Summarization Tool The summarization tool component requires advanced natural language processing capabilities, which can be efficiently implemented using Python with the NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit) library. Example code: python Copy code import nltk from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize, word_tokenize from nltk.corpus import stopwords from nltk.probability import FreqDist text = "This is the original text that needs to be summarized." # tokenize words and sentences words = word_tokenize(text) sentences = sent_tokenize(text) # remove stop words filtered_words = [word for word in words if word.lower() not in stopwords.words('english')] # create frequency distribution of words fdist = FreqDist(filtered_words) # select the most frequent words to form a summary summary = " ".join([pair[0] for pair in fdist.most_common(5)]) 1.3 Web App The web app component requires a full-featured web framework that can handle the user login functionality and the payment system. For this, we can use Java with the Spring Boot framework. Spring Boot provides a complete solution for building web applications with features such as security, database integration, and a wide range of APIs. Example code: java Copy code import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication; import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; @SpringBootApplication @RestController public class Application { public static void main(String[] args) {, args); } @GetMapping("/") public String home() { return "Hello World!"; } } 2. Communication 2.1 Communication between the components The communication between the components of the application can be achieved using RESTful APIs. The scrapper component can make HTTP requests to retrieve articles from various sources, and the web app component can provide a RESTful API for the summarization tool to access the summarized articles. The web app component can also receive HTTP requests from the users to access the articles and manage their subscriptions. 2.2 ASCI diagram showing how components interact css Copy code +------------------+ REST Mieszko Makuch continue 3. Horizontal and vertical scaling To ensure the scalability of the application, both horizontally and vertically, we can use the following strategies: Horizontal Scaling: Horizontal scaling involves adding more servers to the system to distribute the load. We can use Load Balancers to distribute the traffic to multiple servers and keep the system running smoothly. For instance, we can use Nginx or HAProxy as a Load Balancer. Vertical Scaling: Vertical scaling involves increasing the resources of a single server to handle the increased load. We can increase the CPU, RAM, or disk space of the server to handle the increased load. To ensure the smooth scaling of the system, we need to make sure that the components are designed to be stateless. This means that each component should be able to work independently, without relying on the state of other components. This makes it easier to add more components to the system as the load increases. 4. Security of the application The security of the application is an important consideration and we need to make sure that the system is secure from potential attacks. We can use the following measures to ensure the security of the application: Encryption: All the data transmitted between the components and the database should be encrypted to prevent eavesdropping. We can use SSL certificates to encrypt the data. Firewall: We can use a firewall to restrict access to the system and prevent unauthorized access. Login and Access Controls: We should implement login and access controls to restrict access to the system to only authorized users. Input Validation: We need to validate all the inputs from the users to prevent malicious inputs. Regular Backups: Regular backups of the database and the application should be taken to ensure that the data is not lost in case of any failure. 5. Database For the database of the application, we can choose either a relational database management system (RDBMS) or a non-relational database management system (NoSQL). If we choose RDBMS, we can use MySQL as it is a popular and widely used RDBMS. It provides robust transactions, referential integrity, and easy scalability. The sample database structure for the RDBMS can look like this: diff Copy code Users Table - id - username - password - email - subscribed (boolean) Articles Table - id - title - content - summary - date_created If we choose NoSQL, we can use MongoDB as it is a flexible and scalable NoSQL database. The sample database structure for the NoSQL can look like this: css Copy code { "_id": ObjectId("5f9f1140f290123456789abcd"), "username": "user1", "password": "hash_of_password", "email": "", "subscribed": true, } { "_id": ObjectId("5f9f1140f290123456789abce"), "title": "Article 1", "content": "Lorem Ipsum...", "summary": "Summary of Article 1", "date_created": "2023-02-11T12:00:00Z", } 6. Hosting - proposed cloud solutions vs self hosting For hosting the system, we have two options - cloud hosting and self-hosting. Cloud hosting offers many Mieszko Makuch continue 5. Database The database for the web application will be used to store articles, summarized articles, user information, and subscription information. The database will be required to provide efficient access and storage of data, while also ensuring data security. Based on these requirements, a relational database management system (RDBMS) such as MySQL or PostgreSQL is the most suitable choice for this application. Both MySQL and PostgreSQL are open-source, widely used, and offer good performance and scalability. Here is an example of the database structure for the web application: diff Copy code users: - id - username - email - password - subscription_id subscriptions: - id - name - price - description articles: - id - title - author - publication_date - content - url summarized_articles: - id - article_id - summary In this structure, the users table stores information about each user of the application, including their username, email, password, and subscription information. The subscriptions table stores information about the different subscription options available, such as the name, price, and description. The articles table stores the original articles that have been scraped, while the summarized_articles table stores the AI-generated summaries of those articles. 6. Hosting - proposed cloud solutions vs self hosting. The final step in designing the system architecture is to consider the hosting options for the application. There are two main options for hosting the web application: cloud solutions or self-hosting. Cloud solutions, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Google Cloud Platform (GCP), offer several benefits, including: Scalability: The ability to easily increase or decrease resources as needed. High Availability: The ability to ensure that the application is always accessible, even in the event of a failure. Security: The use of advanced security features and measures, such as firewalls and encryption. Self-hosting, on the other hand, involves hosting the application on a server that is owned and managed by the company. This option offers more control and customization, but also requires more resources and expertise. Based on the needs and requirements of this web application, it is recommended to use a cloud solution for hosting. This will allow the application to scale smoothly and securely, while also taking advantage of the benefits of a cloud environment. In conclusion, the web application can be built using a combination of Python for the scrapper and AI summarization tool, Java for the web app, a relational database management system such as MySQL or PostgreSQL for the database, and a cloud solution such as AWS or GCP for hosting. The system architecture will ensure efficient communication between the components, scalable performance, and secure data storage.
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- Jul 24, 2023
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- May 31, 2023
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"It need several attempts to and a bit of configuration to my specific requirements but it gave the desired output. plenty of Thanks to the author."
- Mar 22, 2023
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