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YouTube Hashtag Generator

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Increase the visibility of your YouTube videos with this customizable prompt for GPT-4 acting as a YouTube Hashtag Generator! This prompt will help you get relevant and trending hashtags tailored to your topic, industry and content type. It will take into account your key points, tone, target audience and sharing platforms to optimize your hashtags. Also get tips on how to incorporate these hashtags into your headlines and descriptions. Try this prompt and give your YouTube videos an invaluable
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Over 1 month ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
Token size
385 ($0.01160 / call)
Example input
{main_topic} {key_point_1}, {key_point_2} and {key_point_3} {industry} {content_type}{video_title} {video_ton} {target_audience}{sharing_platforms}
Example output
Here is a list of 15 relevant and trending hashtags for your video on learning the guitar, focusing on the first 3 that will be the most visible and important for your video's SEO: #LearnGuitar #BeginnerGuitar #GuitarTutorial #GuitarTuning #GuitarTechniques #MusicalStyles #30DaysGuitar #MusicalEducation #GuitarCourses #OnlineGuitar #MusicInspiration #PlayTheGuitar #Guitarist #GuitarLessons #LearningMusic Tips for integrating these hashtags into your video title and description: Title: To maximise the impact of your hashtags in the title, include..... Description: Include the remaining hashtags in the ....... Hashtag Generator Model: GPT-4 Salim Allous I would like you to act as a hashtag generator on YouTube and provide me with a list of relevant and trending hashtags for my video on learning to play the guitar. My video covers the following key points: guitar tuning, basic techniques and musical styles. I would like you to consider these aspects when creating the hashtags. In addition, I would like you to include hashtags specific to music education and tutorials, as these are relevant to my target audience. Here is some additional information to help you customize the hashtags: The title of my video: "Learn to play the guitar in 30 days" The tone of my video: educational and inspirational My target audience: guitar beginners and music enthusiasts The platforms I plan to share my video on: YouTube and Instagram I would like to receive a list of 10-15 quality hashtags, focusing on the top 3 that will be the most visible and important for the SEO of my video. Make sure that the hashtags are adapted to YouTube's standards and guidelines and that they respect the platform's rules. Finally, I would like you to give me some tips on how to integrate these hashtags into the title and description of my video to maximise their impact and attract my target audience. If possible, please give me examples of titles and descriptions optimised with the generated hashtags. I am counting on you to provide me with hashtags that will help me increase the visibility of my video, reach the right audience and grow my YouTube channel. Thank you in advance for your help and expertise as a YouTube hashtag generator. Here is a list of 15 relevant and trending hashtags for your video on learning guitar, focusing on the top 3 that will be the most visible and important for your video's SEO: #LearnGuitar #BeginnerGuitar #GuitarTutorial #GuitarTuning #GuitarTechniques #MusicalStyles #30DaysGuitar #MusicalEducation #GuitarCourses #OnlineGuitar #MusicInspiration #PlayTheGuitar #Guitarist #GuitarLessons #LearningMusic Tips for incorporating these hashtags into your video title and description: Title: To maximize the impact of your hashtags in the title, incorporate the first 3 hashtags naturally. For example: "Learn to play the guitar in 30 days | #LearnGuitar for #GuitarBeginner | #TutoGuitar" Description: Include the remaining hashtags in the description of your video, spacing them out to avoid clumping them together. Try to integrate them into the text in a natural way or list them at the end of the description. For example: "In this video series, learn to play guitar in 30 days with lessons tailored to beginners. We'll cover guitar tuning (#GuitarTuning), basic techniques (#GuitarTechniques) and musical styles (#MusicalStyles). Take the #30GuitarDays challenge and discover the world of music education (#MusicEducation). Take our guitar course (#GuitarCourse) and enjoy the best online guitar lessons (#OnlineGuitar). Be inspired by the music (#MusicInspiration) and learn to play the guitar (#PlayGuitar) like a professional guitarist (#Guitarist). Sign up now to receive personalized guitar lessons (#GuitarLessons) and learn music (#LearnMusic) with us! #LearnGuitar #BeginnerGuitar #GuitarTutor #GuitarTuning #GuitarTechniques #MusicalTypes #30GuitarDays #MusicalEducation #GuitarCourses #OnlineGuitar #InspirationalMusic #PlayingGuitar #GuitarLessons #LearningMusic" By following these tips, you should be able to effectively integrate hashtags into your title and description to maximize their impact and attract your target audience.
  • Reviews for this prompt (1)
- Aug 26, 2023
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