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YouTube To Course One-click Creator

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😫 Tired of spending countless hours creating course? πŸš€ Use YouTube competitor videos as a foundation for your courses and save yourself valuable time. ⏰ With our Prompt, you can quickly and efficiently create engaging content that will captivate your audience. πŸ€“ Say goodbye to the hassle of manual course planning FOREVER!. 🌟 Don't waste another moment. Start using our prompt today and experience the ultimate online course creation tool!
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Updated: Over 1 month ago

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Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
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314 ($0.00060 / call)
Example input
Example Youtube Transcript Input: 0:00 I've challenged myself to build an 0:02 entire online business using chat GPT 0:04 and then test the power of AI by running 0:07 paid ads to see if a product created 0:09 with the help of AI has to potentially 0:11 succeed or not and I was actually quite 0:13 impressed with the results so keep 0:15 watching to see how everything went you 0:17 guys really enjoyed the first part of 0:19 the series and I got a lot of positive 0:20 feedback so I'd like to thank you all 0:22 for your support in the previous video I 0:24 explained how to use Chad GPT to create 0:27 digital products and then I created this 0:29 printable planner as an example but 0:32 today is different because I've decided 0:34 to take the idea a step further by 0:36 building an entire business around it so 0:39 here's the plan we first need to upgrade 0:41 the product to make it unique and add 0:43 more value then we have to present the 0:45 final product in the best way possible 0:47 by creating High converting online store 0:50 and the last step will be launching paid 0:52 ads to attract potential customers so I 0:55 came up with the idea of creating an 0:57 ebook about habits and selling it with 0:59 the printable planner this is a perfect 1:01 way to add value to any product and make 1:04 it more interesting 1:05 so I started by asking the chatbot to 1:07 give me the outline structure of the 1:09 book and in seconds it generated all 1:11 chapters each with three sections then I 1:15 simply copied the first chapter and 1:17 pasted it into the chat to create the 1:19 content after that all I did was copy 1:22 and paste until I was done with all 1:23 sections then I realized we don't have a 1:26 name for the ebook yet so do you think I 1:28 paid someone one thousand dollars to 1:30 give me five options no of course not 1:33 because I asked the chat bot and it gave 1:35 me 10 instead four weeks to a better you 1:38 stood out to me the most so I went with 1:40 that one then I asked for a tagline that 1:42 goes on the front cover of a book the 1:44 purpose of a tagline is to make people 1:45 want to read this book and once again it 1:48 gave me 10 options and I chose unlock 1:51 your potential as the tagline I was done 1:53 with the content at this point so I went 1:56 to canva to design the book cover and 1:58 here's what I came up with it's a simple 1:59 design with only three elements the 2:01 tagline is at the top followed by the 2:04 book title and an illustration 2:05 representing the content 2:07 on the second page I have a short 2:09 description of the book and what's 2:10 included this has also been generated 2:13 using chat gbt 2:15 then I created the table of contents 2:17 page which includes all chapters and 2:19 sections 2:20 after that I started to copy the 2:22 sections from chat GPT and paste them 2:24 into canva and it only took me 15 2:27 minutes to finish all sections and have 2:29 my ebook ready 2:31 and with some photoshop and canva Magic 2:33 I've created this product image even 2:36 though we only have simple templates the 2:39 design style and how we present these 2:41 templates have added value to the 2:43 product this particular design style has 2:45 proven to work and is always used to 2:47 sell High ticket products and courses 2:49 now that we have everything ready it's 2:51 time to build the online store so I did 2:54 some research and found that the best 2:56 option to sell these kinds of products 2:58 would be a landing page this means you 3:00 don't need a website with many pages all 3:03 you need is a simple page with the 3:04 necessary elements so I finished the 3:07 page structure in Google Docs and then 3:09 went to Shopify where I designed the 3:11 landing page 3:12 and this is how the landing page turned 3:14 out as you can see it's not too fancy or 3:16 complicated but even though it's simple 3:18 it includes all the elements that help 3:20 you turn visitors into customers on the 3:22 top of the page is a big headline to 3:24 grab the attention and highlight the 3:26 product's main features then comes the 3:28 product image we've created with the 3:30 name price and more benefits then a 3:34 testimonial to add some social proof and 3:36 this section here is very important 3:38 because it aims to make the potential 3:40 customer feel connected to your product 3:42 so you begin by listing some problems 3:45 your customers may have and then 3:47 introduce your product as the ultimate 3:49 solution to all their problems then we 3:52 have testimonial number two to add more 3:54 social proof following that I introduced 3:57 the templates individually each with a 3:59 headline and a brief description then we 4:02 have the FAQ section that includes info 4:05 about the product at the bottom we have 4:07 a testimonial and the same section as at 4:10 the top of the page of course you can 4:12 get more more creative and add more 4:14 stuff but this is pretty much all you 4:16 need to start testing the product so at 4:18 this point I was done building the 4:19 landing page and ready to start driving 4:21 traffic I decided to run ads on Facebook 4:24 and Instagram to test a product but 4:26 first we need to create the ad creatives 4:28 this includes both images as well as the 4:31 ad copies and I always start with two to 4:34 three different images and copies to see 4:36 what works best so I went to canva and 4:39 created two different images as you can 4:41 see I like to keep it simple just the 4:43 templates and a headline on top I've 4:46 tried this style before and it works 4:47 great with these products after that I 4:50 wrote the ad copies which were just a 4:52 copy and paste of some text from the 4:54 landing page with some spaces and emojis 4:56 added and now that we have the add 4:58 materials ready we can go to Facebook 5:00 and launch the campaign and I'm planning 5:03 to let the ads run for two days which I 5:06 think is enough time to test if the 5:08 product is good or bad so I created a 5:10 sales campaign that includes nine 5:13 different ad sets targeting people 5:15 interested in self-development and each 5:17 ad set has two different ads I was 5:20 targeting the top five countries the USA 5:23 the UK Canada Australia and New Zealand 5:27 and I've set the budget to seven euros 5:30 for each ad set meaning we will spend 5:33 around 63 Euros a day so I launched the 5:36 ads at midnight then went to sleep and 5:39 surprisingly the first day went way 5:41 better than I'd expected as you can see 5:43 we've got five added to cart and five 5:46 reach checkout here it says four but 5:48 that's because Facebook sometimes 5:50 doesn't track the data 100 accurately 5:53 but the best thing is that we've also 5:55 got one sale and that does not usually 5:59 happen on the first day of testing but I 6:01 think we've done a good job creating the 6:03 landing page and add creatives here you 6:05 can see everything on Shopify five added 6:08 to cart five reach checkout and one 6:11 purchase I will also refer refresh the 6:13 page even though it's not something 6:14 unbelievable 6:18 I was excited that day because now I 6:20 feel that the product we've created with 6:21 AI could actually work so I let the ads 6:25 run for another day and this time we got 6:27 three added to cart three reach checkout 6:30 and one sale 6:32 and once again here is the Shopify 6:34 dashboard 6:42 so after two days of running ads we've 6:44 managed to get 200 people to click on 6:46 the ad and visit the website eight added 6:49 to Cart 8 reach checkout and two 6:52 purchases the first order was from the 6:54 United States and the second was from 6:57 New Zealand 6:58 but even though we sold two items we 7:01 didn't make any profit in two days and 7:03 this is normal and it's what you should 7:05 expect when you start testing a product 7:07 for the very first time now will I 7:10 consider this challenge a failure well 7:13 of course not because the ads will now 7:15 begin to collect more information and 7:18 the results will improve over time 7:21 and with some changes to the website and 7:23 AD creatives we might be able to make 7:25 this store profitable and realistically 7:28 it's not common for a store to start 7:31 making a profit in its first week of 7:33 testing let me know in the comments if 7:35 you want me to continue this series or 7:37 not please don't forget to hit the like 7:39 button and subscribe to my channel so 7:41 you can see all of my future videos 7:43 because what comes next will be harder 7:46 for my YouTube competitors to copy 7:50 foreign
Example output
Example Output: Welcome to the project-based course "Building an Online Business Using Chat GPT." This course is designed for all types of learners who are interested in creating an online business using artificial intelligence tools. The desired outcome of this course is to enable learners to build a profitable online business from scratch. The course is divided into six modules, each focusing on a specific aspect of the online business creation process. The course is structured around projects, meaning that learners will work on a real-world application of the skills they learn in each module. Module 1: Introduction to Chat GPT and Online Business Creation Lesson Plan 1: Introduction to Chat GPT Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to understand what Chat GPT is and its potential applications in online business creation. Real World Examples: The instructor will provide real-world examples of how Chat GPT has been used in online business creation. Activity: Learners will create a list of potential online business ideas that could be created using Chat GPT. Module 2: Creating a Unique Product Using Chat GPT Lesson Plan 1: Creating a Product using Chat GPT Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to create a unique product using Chat GPT. Real World Examples: The instructor will provide real-world examples of products that have been created using Chat GPT. Activity: Learners will create their own product using Chat GPT. Module 3: Designing a High Converting Online Store Lesson Plan 1: Introduction to Online Store Design Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to understand the elements of a high-converting online store. Real World Examples: The instructor will provide real-world examples of successful online stores. Activity: Learners will design their own high-converting online store. Module 4: Launching Paid Ads to Attract Potential Customers Lesson Plan 1: Introduction to Paid Advertising Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to understand the basics of paid advertising. Real World Examples: The instructor will provide real-world examples of successful paid advertising campaigns. Activity: Learners will create their own paid advertising campaign. Module 5: Analyzing Results and Making Changes Lesson Plan 1: Analyzing Results Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to analyze the results of their paid advertising campaign and make necessary changes. Real World Examples: The instructor will provide real-world examples of how to analyze results and make changes. Activity: Learners will analyze their own paid advertising campaign results and make changes. Module 6: Scaling Your Online Business Lesson Plan 1: Introduction to Scaling Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to understand how to scale their online business. Real World Examples: The instructor will provide real-world examples of how to scale an online business. Activity: Learners will create a plan for scaling their online business. For each lesson plan, the instructor will provide a captivating script for the lesson video that explains how the lesson is connected to the project plan. The activities will have step-by-step directions that are connected to the final project. In addition, the course will incorporate dialogue prompts and methods for broadening one's knowledge. The final project for this course is to create a profitable online business using Chat GPT. The project plan will include the following components: Unique product created using Chat GPT High-converting online store designed by the learner Paid advertising campaign created and analyzed by the learner Plan for scaling the online business Youtube to Course one Click
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