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Screenplay Writer Film Script Generator

Screenplay Writer Film Script Generator gpt prompt mini thumbnail
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Welcome to ScreenplayGPT. This is a screenplay generating prompt. Enter your story details and watch the AI output replies in screenplay format. This tool can speed up the "first draft" phase of your screenplay, allowing you to output early drafts of scenes rapidly and professionally.
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Updated: 11 months ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
Token size
361 ($0.01080 / call)
Example input
[Name]: [10 - 15 words describing the character] IMAGERY: [5 - 10 words describing key images]  PACE: [3 words describing pace] STYLE: [7 words describing style and genre] TONE: [5 words describing tone]
Example output
INT. CITY CAFE - DAY A slow DRIZZLE taps against the cafe windows, the world outside a blur of colour and LIGHTS. Inside, the air is warm, laden with the smell of FRESH COFFEE and PASTRIES. At a corner table, CLAUDIA PARKER (40s, haunted eyes, a guarded demeanor) sips her latte, eyes lost in the mesmerizing dance of the RAIN against the glass. Suddenly, her fingers tighten around the mug as she spots an old, weathered figure crossing the street - JAMES PARKER (60s, rugged, eyes that have seen too much). Through the café window, Claudia watches James approach, her heart pounding. She glances at her wristwatch - it's 3:00 PM, on the dot. James enters, the tiny BELL above the door chiming his arrival. He stops, scanning the cafe. His gaze finally lands on Claudia, their eyes locking. A lifetime of unspoken words pass between them. He shuffles over, pulling out a chair to sit across from Claudia. JAMES (softly) Hello, Claudia. Claudia swallows, her eyes flickering with a thousand emotions. She nods. CLAUDIA Hello, Dad. The moment is heavy, laden with the weight of the past. James's eyes well up with REMORSE. Claudia keeps a steely composure, but her tight grip on the coffee cup betrays her. Suddenly, LILY SULLIVAN (30s, gentle, understanding) approaches their table, a pot of coffee in hand. She fills up James's cup, sensing the tension, choosing to stay silent. James nods his thanks, turning back to Claudia. JAMES It's been... a long time. CLAUDIA Twenty years. James winces at the precise count. Claudia gazes at him, her voice barely above a whisper. CLAUDIA But who's counting, right? Their eyes meet once again, filled with unspoken words and shared regrets. This reunion, decades in the making, hangs between them like a fragile thread about to snap. FADE OUT. TO BE CONTINUED...


- Sep 15, 2023
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